THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 261 " The rest level of the water on commencing pumping was 80ft, from the surface, and after continuous pumping day and night for 14 days this was lowered to 145ft. from the surface; the rate of pumping was 72,000 gallons per 24 hours. In this boring no attempt was made to obtain water by going into the chalk formation, and other borings in the immediate neighbourhood have proved that little water is obtained from that source.2 "Pumping from this bore-hole is now carried on at from 4,000 to 5,000 gallons per hour by means of an air-lift plant, and after heavy continuous work the water level is occasionally lowered to 160 ft. from the surface, but after- wards the water rises rapidly. 2 The following data kindly supplied to Mr. A. C. Young, F.C.S., by Mr. Reginald Watney, may be of interest for comparison : Well Section Great Baddow Brewery. No water in the Chalk. Water came in at 33: ft. 6 in. to 347 ft. and at 359 ft. to 368 ft.