270 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. very cordial vote of thanks to the lecturer, which was heartily supported by Dr. Robert Jones and others. The new species obtained will be incorporated in the list now being prepared, as mentioned above. Great regret was expressed at the absence of Dr. Cooke, who though happily quite well, felt himself unable to bear the fatigue of a whole-day meeting. THE 250th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, October 27TH, 1906. This meeting took place at the Technical Institute, Stratford, as usual, at 6.30 p.m., Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., President, in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected members of the Club :— Mrs. M. B. Edwards, "Graham House," Cephas Street, Mile End, Mr. C. F. Fitch, "Elmhurst," Romford. Mr. J. H. Knight, Loughton Lodge, York Hill, Loughton. Mr. Percy Miller, Traps Hilt, Loughton. Mr. and Mrs. Octavius F. Peall, "Elmfield," 143, Upper Clapton Road. Mr. H. Wilmer, CE., St. Albans Crescent, Woodford Green. Mr. Walter Young, "Manor House," Squirrels Heath, near Romford. The President made some remarks upon methods of procedure at meetings of the Club. He thought that it would be well if new members, present for the first time, were introduced to the President and Officers. As the Club was hoping to increase its membership, this little innovation would be very pleasing and would doubtless be welcomed by new members. He thought also that care should be taken to write down the names of Visitors, together with those members introducing them. This was the custom with most societies. A book was provided for this purpose. Donations to the Library.—Mr. T. W. Reader reported on the additions recently made to the library. A very large number of the Transactions of local societies had been received in "exchange." The list of Corresponding Societies was now nearly completed, and their publications collated and arranged. The Royal Society had presented very many parts of their Proceedings, so as to render the Club's set almost perfect, and had also presented Dr. Lendenfeld's Monograph of the Horny Sponges. Mr. Reader said that the problem of properly binding up the great number of books in the library was becoming a "burning question"—there were probably over 1,000 volumes awaiting binding. Yellow-necked Mouse.—The Secretary exhibited three specimens of Mus sylvaticus-wintoni from Stanway, Essex, presented by Dr. Henry Laver, F.L.S. Mr. Cole remarked that this species was apparently not uncommon in Essex, although it had been so long overlooked. He was very much indebted to Dr. Laver for his continued kindness in procuring interesting specimens tor the Museum. Great Grey Shrike.—Mr. Cole also exhibited two specimens of Lanius excubitor from Colchester, which had recently been purchased for the Museum from Mr. Ambrose.