THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 271 Razor-blade in a Tree.—Also on behalf of Mr. P. Gearing, a curious specimen showing a razor-blade deeply imbedded in the branch of a hornbeam ; the wood had grown around the blade and covered it in. It was from Epping Forest. Portrait of Dr. H. C. Sorby.—Dr. Sorby presented a photogravure portrait of himself, from the oil painting by Mrs. M. L. Waller, paid for by public subscriptions and placed in the Sheffield University, of which institution Dr. Sorby was one of the Founders. Lower Jurassic Fossils from Finchingfield.—Mr. Percy Thompson exhibited and presented to the Museum a few specimens of Lower Jurassic fossils extracted from a small boulder from mid-glacial gravel, near Finchingfield, on the occasion of the Club's visit on July 28th last. Fasciated Branch of Holly.—Mr. Thompson also exhibited a fasciated blanch of Holly, found on a bush near the "Robin Hood," Epping Forest. Mr. Cole remarked that this kind of growth was not very uncommon in the forest. There was a specimen in the Forest Museum. Thanks were voted to donors and exhibitors of specimens. Paper Read.—The Secretary read on behalf of the author, a paper entitled "On the Salinity of the Sea-water along the Coast of Essex," by Dr. H. C. Sorby, F.R.S. (printed ante, pp. 235-30.) Considerable discussion took place on the paper, carried on by the President, Mr. John Spiller, F.I.C, F.C.S., Mr. W. Cole and others, and a' vote of thanks was accorded to Dr. Sorby. Lecture.—Mr. Yeatman Woolf then gave a lecture on "Sponges : Their Life History and Development." The lecture was illustrated by a large number of slides, shown by the electric lantern, and by a series of specimens from Mr. Woolf's own collection. A discussion on points raised by the lecture was carried on by the President, Mr. Scourfield, Mr. Crouch, the Lecturer and others, and a cordial vote of thanks was given to Mr. Woolf. The 251st ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, November 24TH, 1900. The meeting was held as usual at the Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6.30 p.m , Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., President, in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected:— Mrs. A. F. Hogg, Sr, Claremont Hood, Forest Gate. Mr. A. Clifton Kelway, Corringham Rectory, Stanford-le-Hope. Mr. Herbert Playne, M.A., Head Master, Bancroft School, Woodford. Miss F. A. Randell, 33, Bulwer Road, Leytonstone. Recruiting Members.—The President alluded to a project which had been under consideration by the Council for some time. An abstract of the work of the Club, and what it wished to do, had been prepared in pamphlet form (and christened the "Red-book"), and an introductory letter had been signed by members of the Council to accompany the pamphlet. Yesterday (Friday, November 23rd), a first dispatch of 450 of these communications had been