INDEX. Alteration of Rules, 167 Annual Meetings of E.F.C, 25th, April 8th, 1905, 68 ; 26th, April 7th, 1906, 166. Annual Meeting of Photographic and Pictorial Survey of Essex, 1st, June 23rd, 1906, 256 Architecture, Norman, in Essex, drawings exhibited, 163 Ashdon and Saffron Walden, Visit to, 155 Auk, Little, presented, 163 Avery, John, exhibits medallion portrait of Peter Muilman, 67 ; ex- hibits print of Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 162 ; exhibits original drawings from Godman's Norman Architecture in Essex, 163 Baddow, Great, Analysis of Water from, 262 ; Well-sections at, 260 Baddow, Little, and Danbury, Visit to, 260 Barking, Mammoth remains from, 272 Barnes, Rev. C. E. and Mrs., enter- tain Field Club, 155 Bat, Hairy-armed, exhibited, 165 Bat, Serotine, from Pitsea, exhibited, 272 Beech Coccus, Felted, in Epping Forest, 277 Beetles of the Eastern Counties, 57 Bidwell, E., exhibits Fire-making appliances, 165 Billericay, Norsey Wood, near, Pottery from, presented, 162 Birch tree disease, 276 Birds, Essex, exhibited, 168 Birds, Rare Essex, presented, (63 Birds, Wild, returning to London, 71 Bog-Mosses (Sphagnaceae) of Essex, 111 Bones, Fossil, from Clacton, exhibited and presented, 164, 165 Bone "Needle" from Chelmsford exhibited, 168 Bone of a Whale at Mountnessing, 168 Boring at Ilford, Deep. 168 Boundary Stones of Waltham Forest, photographs exhibited, 162 Braintree Finchingfield District, Visit to, 265 Braintree, Flint implement from, exhibited, 165 ; Pile Dwelling at Skitt's Hill, further notes on, 137 ; Reported meteorite from, exhibited, Brambling in Essex, 275 Bream, Sea, in Essex waters, 238 Briscoe, A. E., Vote of thanks to, 162 Briscoe, A. E., and Mrs. Briscoe, entertain the Club, 264 British Association. Reports of Club's Delegates, London, 1905, 152 ; York, 1906, 237. British Science Guild, 163 Buckhurst Hill. Plusia moneta at 136 ; Series of Plusia moneta from, exhibited. 273 Buzzard, Honey, from Kelvedon, exhibited, 164 Campion, F. W. and H., Neolithic man in Epping Forest (title), 169 Caves at Chislehurst, 75 Chelmsford, Bone "Needle" from, exhibited, 168 ; Visit to abandoned, 156 Chislehurst Caves, 75 Chittenden, E. J., Euphorbia esula in Essex, 74 ; The Bog-Mosses (Sphagnaceae) of Essex, 111 ; ex- hibits Dipteron injurious to Daffodils, 165 ; The Mosses of Essex, 204 ; Daffodil Ely in Essex, 240 Christy, Miller, Elected as Presi- dent, 68 ; Report of Presentation to Mr. William Cole, 117 ; Whale at Mersea in 1299, 135 ; conducts Field Meeting, 155 ; exhibits etching of French Hog, 161 ; presents rare Essex Birds, 163 ; lecture on Methods of Fire Making (title) and exhibits specimens in illustration, 165 ; exhibits photograph of large bone of a whale from Mountnessing, 168 ; remarks on work of E.F.C, 168 ; A History of Salt Making in Essex, 193 ; exhibits reported Meteorite from Braintree, 272 ; exhibits Neolith from Pleshey, 273 Clacton, Flint implements and fossil bones from, exhibited and presented, 164 ; bones from, exhibited, 165 Coast at Cromer, Denudation of, photographs exhibited, 162 Coast, Essex, Photographs of, ex- hibited and presented, 70 Coccus, Felted Beech, in Epping Forest, 277 Cockroach, new to Essex, exhibited, Colchester, annual meeting of Photo- graphic Survey of Essex, held at