ii. 1906, 256 ; Great Grey Shrike from, exhibited, 270 Cole, B. G.. Plusia moneta at Buck- hurst Hill, 136 ; Prodenia littoralis, a new British Moth. 136 Cole, H. A.., original drawings of Red Hills, Plates xxviii. and xxix. Cole, W., exhibits Cockroach new to Essex, 67 ; exhibits bifid earthworm, 70; Gnorimus nobilis in Hainault Forest, 73 ; Report of Presentation to, 117 ; exhibits recently acquired mammalia, 63 ; exhibits bones and implements from Clacton, 164 ; exhibits Honey Buzzard from Kel- vedon, 164 ; exhibits Skomer Vole, 165 ; exhibits Hairy-armed Bat, 165 ; exhibits Fire-making Appliances, 165 ; exhibits Black Rats from Essex, 167 ; exhibits De Winton's Mouse from Lexden, 163 ; exhibits Essex Birds, 168 ; Exploration of some "Red Hills" in Essex, with remarks upon the objects found, 170 ; demonstrates Oak-galls in Epping Forest, 255 ; exhibits Yellow- necked Mouse from Stanway, 270 ; exhibits Great Grey Shrike from Colchester, 270; exhibits Pelvis of Mammoth, 272 ; exhibits series of Plusia moneta from Buckhurst Hill, 273 ; making of Marine Salt in China, 279 Cooke, Dr. M. C, Fungi in Pairs, 64 ; and G. Massee, Hymenomycetal Fungi of Essex (title), 68 Corcoran, Bryan, presents Straw- plaiting Mill, 163 Corresponding Societies' Committee, Report of Delegates, at London, 1905, 152 ; at York, 1906, 237 Corticium comedens on Hornbeam, exhibited, 67 County of Essex, Attempted partition of the, 160 Crepidula fornicata in Essex, Notes on. 73 Cromer, Denudation of coast at, photo- graphs exhibited, 162 Crouch, W., makes observations on a deep boring at Ilford, 168 Cryptococcus fagi in Epping Forest, 277 Daffodil Fly in Essex, The, 240 Daffodils injured by dipteron, exhibited, 165 Dalton, W. H., exhibits fossils and minerals, 69 ; Selenite, 147 ; present rocks and minerals, 161 Danbury and Little Baddow, Visit to, 260 Dawes Heath, Visit to, 266 Deneholes, in Essex, 74 ; in Hang- man's Wood, visited by the Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society, 75 ; Notes on, and Recent Subsidence at Mucking, 241 Dent, Francis, conducts Meetings in Hainault Forest, 1905, 159 ; 1906, 255 Denudation of the coast at Cromer, photographs exhibited, 162 Dewhirst, J., exhibits diagram of well section, 260 De Winton's Mouse from Lexden, exhibited, 168 Dipteron, A., injurious to Daffodils, 240 ; exhibited, 165 Diseases of Fruits, Address on (title), 161 Dotterel at Fowlness, 71 Dunmow, Visit to, and Inauguration of Photographic and Pictorial Survey of Essex, 157 Dymond, T S., Sulphate of lime (selenite) in Essex soils and sub- soils, 62, 148 ; Conducts Meeting in Hainault Forest, 255 Eadromias morinellus at Fowlness, 71 Earthworm, Bifid, exhibited, 70 Eastern Counties, Beetles of the, 57 Elephas sp., Pelvis of, exhibited, 272 Enterprise, an Ancient Municipal, 77 Epping Forest, Fasciated branch of Holly from, exhibited, 271 ; Felted Beech Coccus in, 277 ; Fifty years ago, a Stroll in, 78 ; Fungi new to flora of, 161 ; Fungus Forays in, 1905, 160; 1906, 268,269 ; Neolithic man in (title), 169 ; Ricciella fluitans in, 276 ; Spring Rambles in, 1905, 156; 1906, 254. Essex, Attempted Partition of, 160 ; Birds of, exhibited, 168 ; Rare Birds, presented, 163 ; The Bog Mosses (Sphagnaceae) of, 111 ; Brambling in, 275 ; Coast, photo- graphs of, exhibited and presented, 70 ; Crepidula fornicata in, 73 ; Daffodil Fly in, 240 ; Deneholes in, 74. 75, 241 ; De Winton's Mouse in, 108 ; Euphorbia esula in, 74 ; Hairy-armed Bat in, 165 ; Hops in, 277 ; Hymenomycetal Fungi of (title), 68 ; Industry, Straw-plaiting, a lost, 184 ; The Mosses of, 204 ; Norman Architecture in, drawings exhibited,