v. Morley, C, The Beetles of the Eastern Counties, 57 Mosses, of Essex, 204 ; Bog-mosses (Sphagnaceae) of Essex, 111 Moth, A new British, 136 Mothersole,. H., exhibits bone "needle" from Chelmsford, 168 ; exhibits "fire steel" and wooden smoother, 273 Mouse, De Winton's (yellow-necked), exhibited, 168, 270 Mountnessing, Large bone of a whale at, 168 Mucking, Recent subsidence at, 241 Muilman, Peter, Medallion portrait of, exhibited. 67 Municipal Enterprise. An ancient, 77 Murie, Dr, J., Sea Bream in Essex waters, 238 Mus rattus in Essex, 167 Mus sylvaticus-wintoni, exhibited, 168, 270 Museums, On Natural History, 1 Museum Specimens recently acquired, 66, 70, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 108, 270, 271, 272 Mycological Society, British, Fungus Foray in conjunction with, 268 "Needle Bone," from Chelmsford, exhibited, 168 Neolith from Pleshey, exhibited, 273 Neolithic man in Epping Forest (title), 169 Newton, E. T., identifies fossils in Museum, 164 ; remarks on bone of Whale from Mountnessing, 168 Nichols, W. B., presents bifid Earth- worm, 70 Norman Architecture in Essex, God- man's, Original drawings exhibited, 163 Norsey wood, near Billericay, Pottery from, presented, 162 Notes, Original and selected, 71, 135, 275 Object of Sandstone from Wendon exhibited, 273 Ordnance Survey Maps purchased and exhibited, 70 Oriole, Golden, presented, 163 Orkney Vole exhibited, 163 Oyster Fisheries of Colchester : an ancient Municipal Enterprise, 77 Pagellus centrodontus in Essex waters, 238 Partition of county, attempted, 160 Pastor, Rose-coloured, exhibited, 272 Paulson, R., exhibits injurious fungi on Hornbeams, 67 ; Birch-tree disease, 276 Pernis apivorus, exhibited, 164 Photographic and Pictorial Survey of Essex, photographs presented, 70, 164; Inauguration Meeting, 1905, 157 ; Annual Meeting, 1906, 256 Photographs of East Coast exhibited and presented, 70 ; of Boundary Stones of Forest of Waltham, exhibited, 162; taken at Club Meetings, presented, 164 Pictorial Records of Essex (see Photo- graphic and Pictorial Survey of Essex) Pile-dwelling, Further Notes on the Site of ft, at Skitt's Hill, Braintree, 137 Pitsea, Rose-coloured Pastor from, exhibited, 272 ; Serotine Bat from, exhibited, 272 Plant Life, Lecture on (litis), 164 Pleshey, Neolith from, exhibited, 273 Plusia moneta at Buckhurst Hill, 136 ; specimens exhibited, 273 Portrait of Dr. H. C. Sorby presented, 271 Pottery Mounds in India, 27S Pottery from Norsey Wood, near Bil- lericay, presented, 162 Power, Water, from the Thames, 280 Presentation to Mr. William Cole (Report), 117 Presidential Address, Mr. Rudler's, April 8th, 1905, 1 Prodenia littoralis, a new British Moth, 136 Queen Elizabeth's Lodge in 1794, Print of exhibited, 162 Randall, Master, presents bones and implements from Clacton, 164 Rat, Black, in Essex, 167 Rayleigh Hills, Visit to, 266 Reader, Francis W., Further Notes on the Pile-dwelling Site at Skitt's Hill, Braintree, 137 Reader, Thos. W., and Dr. A. E. Salter, conduct meeting at Rayleigh Hills, 266 "Red Hills," Exploration of some, in Essex, 170; announcement of ex- ploration of, 192 Ricciella fluitans in Epping Forest, 276 Rocks and Minerals presented, 161 Romford, Oil-painting of, exhibited, 70