vi. Rudler, P. W., Presidential Address on Natural History Museums, April 8th, 1905, 1 ; Vote of thanks to, 70 ; Report as Club's Delegate at British Association, London, 152 ; at York, 237 Ruggles-Brise, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald, receive the Club at Spain's Hall, 265 Rules, Alteration of, 167 Saffron Walden, Visit to, 155 Salinity of the Sea-water along the Coast of Essex, 235 Salmon near Southend, 72 Salt-making in Essex, A History of, 193 Salt, Marine, making of, in China, 279 Salter, Dr. A. E., presents pottery from near Billericay, 162 ; conducts Field Meeting, 260 ; and T, W. Reader conduct Field Meeting, 266 Sandstone Object from Wendon, ex- hibited, 273 Sea-water along the coast of Essex, Salinity of, 235 Section, Geological, at Witham, 274 Selenite, 62, 147 Serotine Bat from Pitsea, exhibited, 272 Shenstone, J. C, an Ancient Municipal Enterprise, 77 Sherrin, Mr., presents Essex Birds, 168 Shrew, Pigmy, exhibited, 163 Shrike, Great Grey, from Colchester, exhibited, 270 Sillem, C. (See Webb, W.M.) Skan, S. A., Demonstrates at Field Meetings, 156, 254 "Smoother," Wooden, exhibited, 273 Soils and Subsoils, Sulphate of lime in, 62, 147 Sorby, Dr. H. C, On the Salinity of the Sea-water along the Coast of Essex, 235 ; presents Portrait of himself, 271 Sorex minutus exhibited, 163 Southend, Salmon near, 72 Spam's Hall, Visit to, 265 Sphagnaceae of Essex, 111 Spiller, J., exhibits photographs of East coast, 70 ; exhibits photographs of coast at Cromer, 162 Sponges, A lecture on (title), 271 Stanway, Yellow-necked mouse from, exhibited, 270 Stones, Boundary, of Forest of Waltham. Photographs of, exhi- bited, 162 Straw-Plaiting, in Essex, 184 ; Mill presented, 163 Subsidence at Mucking, On a Recent, 241 Sulphate of Lime in Essex Soils and Subsoils, 62, 147 Survey Maps, Ordnance, purchased and exhibited, 70 Survey, Photographic and Pictorial, of Essex (see Photographic Survey of Essex). Talpa vulgaris, varieties of, exhibited, Thames, Fishes of the, in 1746, 275 ; water power from the, 280 Thompson, Percy, exhibits fasciated branch of Holly, 271 ; exhibits and presents fossils, 271 Thompson, Prof. S. P., lectures on Gilberd of Colchester (title), 67 ; elected Honorary Member, 68 Thundersley, Visit to, 266 ; worked flints from, exhibited, 272 Tree, Razor blade in a, exhibited, 270 Vesperugo leisleri exhibited, 165 Vesperugo serotinus exhibited, 272 Vole, Orkney, exhibited, 163 Vole. Skomer, exhibited, 165 Warwick, Countess of, and Lord Brooke, receive Club, 157 Water, analysis of, from Great Baddow, 262 ; Power from Thames, 280J Webb, W. Mark, and C. Sillem, The British Woodlice, 38, 81, 97 Well-Section at Great Baddow, 260 Wendens Ambo and Saffron Walden, Meeting at, 155 ; Sandstone, object from, exhibited, 273 Whale, at Mersea in 1299, 135, 149 ; Large bone of, at Mountnessing, 168 Whitehead, H., Ricciella fluitans in Epping Forest, 276 ; Felted Beech Coccus in Epping Forest, 277 Wimbish and Saffron Walden, Meeting at, 155 Witham, On some geological sections at, 274 Woodlice, The British, 38, Sr, 97 Woolf, Yeatman, Lecture on Sponges (title), 271 PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Plan of Chislehurst Caves, 76 59 Diagrams to illustrate the paper on British Woodlice by W. M. Webb and C. Sillem, pp. 39-105