vii. Plate I. Ligia oceanica, Linne, The Quay-louse, to face 82, 1 Plate II, Ligidium hypnorum, Cuvier, to face 85 Plate III. Trichoniscus pusillus, Brandt, to face 84 Plate IV. Trichoniscus vividus, Koch, to face 85 Plate V. Trichoniscus roseus, Koch, to face 86 Plate VI. Trichoniscoides albidus, Budde-Lund, to face, 87 Plate VII. Haplophthalmus mengii, Zaddach, to face 88 Plate VIII. Haplophthalmus danicus, Budde-Lund, to face, 89 Plate IX. Oniscus asellus, Linne (The Common Slater), to face 90 Plate X. Philoscia muscorum, Scopoli, to face 91 Plate XI. Philoscia conchii, Kinahan, to face 92 Plate XII. Platyarthrus hoffmann- seggii, Brandt, to face 93 Plate XIII. Porcellio scaber, Latreille, to face 94 Plate XIV. Porcellio pictus, Brandt and Katzburg, to face 95 Plate XV. Porcellio dilatatus, Brandt, to face 96 Plate XVI. Porcellio rathkei, Brandt, to face 96 Plate XVII. Porcellio laevis Latreille, to face 97 Plate XVIII. Porcellio ratzeburgii, Brandt to face 98 Plate XIX. Metoponorthus pruinosus, Brandt, to face 99 Plate XX, Metoponorthus cingendus, Kinahan, to face 100 Plate XXI. Cylisticus convexus, De Geer, to face 101 Plate XXII. Armadillidium nasatum, Budde-Lund, to face 102 Plate XXIII. Armadillidium vul- gare, Latreille, to face 103 Plate XXIV. Armadillidium pulchel- lum, Zencker, to face 104 Plate XXV. Armadillidium depres- sum, Brandt, to face 105 Plate XXVI. Figs. 1 and 2. Skin's Hill, Braintree. General Views of Excavations, to face 138 Plate XXVII. Objects from Skitt's Hill, to face 143 Plan of portion of the Relic-bed, Skitt's Hill, 138 General section of the excavations at Skitt's Hill, Braintree, 140 Enlarged portion of Relic-Bed, 141 Plate XXVIII. Exploring the Red Hill, Burnham, to face 170 Plate XXIX. Red Hill on Bower Hall Farm, East Mersea, to face 174 Objects from Red Hill at Burnham, 172 Objects from Red Hills, &c., 174 Pottery fragments (Romano-British) from Red Hill on Bower Hall Farm, East Mersea, 175 Double prong-shaped piece of pottery, from a Red Hill at Ivy House Farm, East Mersea, 176 Suggestion as to the use of the "T-pieces," 179 Bone "Engines" for splitting straw, 185 Iron Straw-splitters, from Mr. E. Bedwell's Collection, 187 Straw-splitters from Mr. E. Bedwell's Collection, 188 Wooden Mill for flattening the straw "splints," 189. Hand Roller for flattening the straw, 190 Unfinished and finished Plaits, 191 Plate XXX. Map of the Northern Half of the Essex Coast, showing approxi- mately the sites of the Forty-five Essex Salt pans mentioned in Domesday Book (1086), to face 196 Plate XXXI. Fig. 2 The Maldon Salt-works. Fig. 3. The Settling- pond at the Maldon Salt works, to face 201 Plate XXXII. Salt crystals from Maldon Salt-works, to face 203 Map to show the position of the Mucking Subsidence (1906), 242 Sections of Mucking (1906) and Black- heath (1878 and 1880) Subsidences, 243 1 Note. - The Plates may either be arranged as indicated, or placed together at the end of the volume.