THE ESSEX NATURALIST: BEING THE Journal for the Essex Field Club, FOR 1907-1908. (VOLUME XV.) THE UREDINEAE AND USTILAGINEAE OF ESSEX.—Part II. By F. J. CHITTENDEN, Technical Laboratories, Chelmsford. THE following notes are drawn up from material sent me by various correspondents, or collected by myself since the publication of my first paper under the above title in the Essex Naturalist XII (1904), p. 283. Only species previously unrecorded, or of which there are few records, are included in this list, an asterisk (*) in front of the name indicating the species not previously recorded. The number of species of Uredineae and Ustilagineae known to occur in the county is now brought up to 113, and all are recorded in the pages of this Journal.1 My thanks are due to the gentlemen named in the following list who have assisted in the increase of our knowledge regarding the distribution of these fungi. All the specimens named below are in my herbarium. The sign ! following a locality indicates that the specimen was collected by myself, and the sign j pre- ceding the name of a "host" means that this host is not mentioned in Plowright's Monograph of the British Uredineae and Ustilagineae. UREDINEAE. Uromyces fabae Pers. U. and T. On Pisum sativum, Maldon (J. Matthams) ! on Faba vulgaris, Chignal ! U. limonii DC. AE., U. and T. On Statice limonium, Goldhanger 1 See l.c. ante, and Dr. Cooke in E.N 1887, pp. 185, et seq., and Mr. E. D. Marquand in E. N. 1891, pp. 21-23.