14 NOTES ON A RECENT BLUE BOOK. "Dr. W. W. E. Fletcher's Report upon the Sanitary CIRCUM- stances and administration of the village of coggeshall in the Braintree Rural District, and Alleged Prevalence Therein of Infectious Disease ; also, incidentally, upon Sanitary Administration in the Braintree Rural District." [Read Febrtmry 23rd, 1907.] By T. V. HOLMES, F.G.S., F.Ant.Inst., &c. THE Blue Book with the above title is the report of a medical inspector to the Local Government Board, and was published towards the close of last year. Blue Books, like most other Government publications, still remain unseen in the shops of booksellers, unnoticed in the advertisement columns of literary or other periodicals (where we obtain information about the most recent books issued by private publishers) and un- reviewed elsewhere. This is the more to be regretted, as many Blue Books, even when they deal only with a district no larger than that now to be considered, contain much information of value to adjacent areas, and are books for the consideration of house- holders and ratepayers, not merely for the comparatively few persons with literary or scientific tastes. It is therefore gratifying to record that a short paragraph headed "Government Publications," and giving the names and prices of those recently issued, has lately appeared in the Times, though, as it usually consists of some ten or twelve lines, and has no definite position, it may easily escape notice.1 Dr. Fletcher calls attention not merely to the sanitary state of Coggeshall, but to sanitary administration in the Braintree Rural District. It seems therefore desirable, in the first place, to describe briefly the geological positions of the towns and villages of the district in which Coggeshall exists, as shown on the maps of the Geological Survey. North of the railway between Chelmsford and Marks Tey, Essex consistsof a plateau capped by the Chalky Boulder Clay, in which various streams flowing from north-west to south-east have eroded valleys. In these valleys lie almost all the towns and villages of the district, among them being Coggeshall. They rest either on the gravel of Glacial age underlying the Boulder Clay or on the Post-Glacial gravel and sand deposited by the 1 It is worth adding that Blue Books may be obtained from Messrs. Wyman and Sons, Fetter Lane, E.C. or from Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, East Harding Street, E.C., and that the price of the Coggeshall Blue Book is sixpence.