30 MUSEUM NOTES, NO. V. Essex the question will arise as to whether the details should not be filled in, and also as to whether a list should not be made of all the woods in Essex which can lay reasonable claim to an undisturbed antiquity. The area of woodland diminishes from year to year, and at the rate of diminution that has been going on for the last two or three decades there will soon be left hardly a fragment. Epping Forest alone seems to be in a position of safety. An account of all species now existing in the woods, and a list of the woods, would be a chronicle, and one to be consulted by future generations. Those who in the course of plant collecting have had to refer to old books on the subject will best appreciate the value that would attach to such a chronicle. Plants, like all other organisms, do not remain in one stay. Notes have been made by old authors on various species and their modes of occurrence, that do not agree with the observations of to-day. These notes were probably correct in the main, but they have no sort of scientific sanction, and have, therefore, to be taken with reservations. A chronicle made on the lines I have suggested, particularly if illustrated with copious notes, would be a reliable standard for future investigations. MUSEUM NOTES, No. V. IX.—PELVIS OF MAMMOTH (?) FROM BARKING. ON November 5th, 1906, we were informed by telephone that a large bone had been unearthed on the "Kennedy Estate" on the outskirts of Barking. Arrangements were at once made for securing the specimen, and the next day we brought the bone (it was in fragments) to the Museum. The pit was on the Barking Level, about 300 yards S.W. of Eastbury House. The bone proved to be the greater part of the right innominate of the pelvis of a species of Elephas. It was lying in an excavation at about 45 inches from the surface. A photo- graph of the bone in situ was taken, reproduced at Plate II. The section of the soil was roughly :—Surface soil, 15 inches; somewhat clayey soil, like brickearth, 15 to 17 inches; very