40 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. fleeting visitors, or whether occasionally a few may temporarily sojourn the winter through ; (5) Dates of arrival or probable exodus, both autumn and spring; (6) Sex and condition of feathering ; (7) Habits generally ; (8) Is there anything like annual regularity in their migration around or across Essex ? Other notes might be added ; suffice here to refer to what may be deemed sequel to Brit. Assoc. Comm. Reports. This to wit, Bulletins of Brit. Ornith. Club, Vols. xvii. and xx., 1906, 1907. Hints might be derived from sketch maps, lists and tabular summaries contained therein. In the foregoing notice, although unfortunately to my regret, I have not been enabled to add much new information ; at all events, what I have brought together may stimulate to keener observation our numerous shore sportsmen, and those interested in the avifauna frequenting the many saltings, marshes, and sandy coves of maritime Essex. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB.—REPORT OF MEETING. The 252nd ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, January :6th, 1907. This meeting was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6.30 p.m., Mr. Miller Christy, President, in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected members of the Club : — Mr. Thomas Barrett-Lennard, Horsfold Manor, Norfolk Mr. S. L. Bensusan, 2, Harcourt Buildings, Inner Temple, London, B.C. Miss Maud M. Biggs, Leyton Mr. Thomas Bradridge, J.P., Park Gates, Braintree Mr. C. C. Carter, M.A., F.R.G.S.. Felsted School, Felsted Mr. Francis H. Crittall, J. P., Rainsford House, Chelmsford Mr. W. C. Emson, Strethall Hall, Safron Walden Mr. Walter Fortescue, "Oakdene," Crescent Road, Chingford Mr. J. Lister Godlee, Wakes Colne Place, Wakes Colne, Earls Colne, S.O. Mr. A. Lister Harrison, J.P., Elmhurst, South Woodford Miss Gulielma Lister, F.L.S., Leytonstone Mr. Gervase F. Mathew, Paymaster-in-Chief, R.N., F.L.S., F.E.S. Lee House, Dovercourt Mr. J. W. Moss, Feering, Kelvedon Mrs. J. W. Moss, Feering, Kelvedon Mr. T. G. Robinson, J.P., Brancepeth, Whitehall Read, Woodford Mr. Charles H. Roper, Westbourne Villas, High Road, Loughton