44 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. THE 27th ANNUAL MEETING AND THE 254th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, April 2oth, 1907. These meetings were held as usual in the Technical Institute. Stratford, at 6.30 p.m., Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., President, in the chair. Minutes.—The minutes of the 26th Anuual Meeting, held on April 7th, 1906, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, vol. xiv., p. 166, were read and confirmed. Annual Report of Council.—This was read by the Secretary; it will be printed in the forthcoming Year-Book. Financial Statement.—Mr. Howard read his annual statement, which will also be printed in the Year-Book. On the motion of Mr. Avery, seconded by Mr. McLachlan, the report and statement were adopted. Tea Fund.—The Secretary presented the account of the Tea Fund for the Session 1906-7. Members of Council and Officers Elected.—At the Meeting on February 23rd last, the following Members retired from the Council —Messrs. A. E. Briscoe, John Finzi, Rev. W, C. Howell, and Gr. E. Vaughan ; and the following were duly nominated as new Members of Council :—Mr. A. E. Briscoe, B.Sc, A.R.C.Sc, &c. ; Mr. John Finzi, F.E.S.; Rev. W. C; Howell, M.A. ; and Mr. W. Ping, F.C.S. As Officers for 1907, the following were duly nominated;—President, Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S.; Treasurer, Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., F.I.C; Hon. Secretaries, Mr. W. Cole, F.L.S., and Mr. B. G. Cole ; Librarian, Mr. Thomas W. Reader, F.G.S.; Auditors, Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., and Mr. J. D. Cooper. No other Members having been proposed, the above-named gentlemen stood elected as Members of the Council and Officers for 1907, and were so declared by the Chairman. Thanks to the President and Officers.—Professor Meldola, F.R.S., proposed that the cordial thanks of the Club be accorded to the above. He referred to the great interest taken in the work by the President, and to Mr. Howard's care of the finances, and to Mr. Reader's and the Secretaries' work. He also congratulated the Club on the progress made at the Museum. Prof. Meldola also alluded in feeling terms to the great loss suffered by natural science in England by the untimely death of Prof. Marshall Ward, one of the honorary members of the Club. The vote of thanks was carried with applause. Mr. Christy and Mr. Howard replied on behalf of the officers. Mr. Cole thanked Prof. Meldola and the members lor their kind recognition of the work carried on in the Museum. And he again referred to the excellent aid received from Mr. Henry Whitehead, the assistant in the Museum. The Address by the President.—Mr. Christy said that the meeting that evening marked the close of the Club's twenty-seventh year of work. On such an occasion, it was usual for the President to deliver a formal address, but on this occasion, he begged to be excused, as it was the last meeting of the session and there happened to be much other business to get through. Moreover, he had, he said, given the Club at least one paper during the past session (that on the