88 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY. STRATIGRAPHY. APPENDIX.—Corrections to Part I. We desire to make the following corrections in Section VI. of the first part of our paper (see Essex Naturalist, Vol. XI.,: PP- 336—70) :— (1.) At p. 365, line 37, read "London Bassin movements, as" instead of "London Basin movements as." See also correction (3). (2.) At p. 366, par. 3. The argument here as to terraces is wrongly stated, and the whole case is put too high, but our meaning will be properly appreciated if this is read in conjunc- tion with this second part of our paper. (3.) At p. 369. Final par. of Section VI. We now have no doubt as to the connection of the anticlinal fold with the main Wealden and London Basin movements. Our doubts arose through a difficulty which we had in understanding the Mardyke evidence. We may as well state here that not only bad the folding taken place long before Pleistocene times, but that the top of the anticline had been planed down by some 300 feet prior to High Terrace times.