CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES' COMMITTEE. 117 Advisability of appointing a Committee for the Photographic Survey of Ancient Remains in the British Islands." It was held, however, that much of the suggested work might be under- taken by the Committee already in existence for collecting and registering anthropological photographs. Ultimately certain resolutions were passed and sent up to the Council, with the view of obtaining information as to the present state of photo- survey work in Britain, and possibly of publishing instructions for the execution of a general scientific survey of the country. At the second meeting, which was presided over by the Rev. J. O. Bevan, Mr. Carleton Rea pleaded for greater attention by local societies to the investigation of the Fungi occurring in their districts. He pointed out that an annual foray was quite insufficient for an adequate study of the fungus flora of any district, and that investigations should be carried on throughout the year. In the course of the discussion, your delegate referred to the interest which the Essex Field Club had always taken in the study of the local fungi, especially those of Epping Forest. Several subjects were recommended to the attention of local societies, by which the work of some of the Committees of the Association may be assisted. Among these may be noted (1) the collection of local terms used in reference to geology and geography, and (2) the collection of photographs of local ethno- logical types in the village population before the race-elements become indistinguishable by fusion. Mr. W. Mark Webb appealed to members of local societies for specimens of Centipedes and Millepedes, for use in the preparation of his monograph for the Ray Society, and the Rev. T. R, R. Stebbings renewed his appeal for specimens of Well-shrimps.