NOTES ON RECENT BLUE BOOKS, II. 137 there full of land-and freshwater-shells and plant-remains, though of estuarine character at a higher level, as seen in the cliff. Possibly a similar sequence obtains in East Mersea, the estuarine passing down into a lacustrine deposit. As to the extension westward of the Postglacial gravels, I would include those of Tollesbury and Goldhanger. Those ranging from Bradwell to beyond the Crouch were always regarded as Postglacial, and the putting everything north of the Blackwater into Glacial, except river-terraces, can only be excused by the peculiar irregularity of the Glacial deposits of the Maldon district in their sequence, nature, and surface-contour ; so that level and lithological character became criteria of small import, and all gravels were massed as Glacial, in default of evidence against that correlation. NOTES ON RECENT BLUE BOOKS, II. Dr. R. J. Reece's Report to the Local Government Board upon the Sanitary Circumstances and Administration of the Braintree Urban District. By T. V. HOLMES, F.G.S., F. Ant. Inst., &c. THE Blue Book with the above title was published towards the close of the year 1907. Price fourpence. A like Report by Dr. W. W. E. Fletcher, on the sanitary circum- stances and administration of the Braintree Rural District, etc, is noticed in the Essex Naturalist for 1907.1 There is a line in Dr. Reece's report :—"Geology— The soil is London Clay capped by Boulder Clay.'' Now, while the above line may serve as a very brief account of the geology of the district around Braintree, it is somewhat misleading as a description of the soil of the urban district. For a glance at a geological map shows that Braintree and Bocking (like the towns and villages of the district generally) lie on the gravel and sand which intervene between the London Clay and the Boulder Clay ; a position allowing a water supply by means of shallow wells centuries before deep wells came into use. Indeed at the present day Dr. Reece remarks :—"Bocking has no public water supply, and no sewerage system." 1 "Notes on a Recent Blue Book,"E.N. Vol. XV., 14. K