138 NOTES ON RECENT BLUE BOOKS, II. As regards Braintree, the Urban District Council own the waterworks, and Dr. Reece says that there are comparatively few private wells now in use in the town of Braintree, though in the more rural parts of the Urban District the supply is derived from shallow wells. The deep wells in the Chalk at the water- works are both at a spot south of Braintree. The "Old" Well was sunk in the year 1856, the "New" Well in 1888. The section of the old well is given by Mr. Whitaker in his Memoir on The Geology of the London Basin, Vol. IV., Part I., published in 1872 ; that of the new one in the Essex Naturalist for 1889. However, the reader will find it convenient to have here the details of both well sections as given by Dr. Reece, with some notes from those of Mr. Whitaker. THE OLD WELL. Sunk in 1856. Water rose to within 12ft. from the surface.