THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 143 attempt was made to fire him out. The end of that scene, which only lasted a week, was a public funeral, when the dead people on both sides were buried together. Sir Benjamin said he secured photographs of all these scenes. When in Egypt he photographed the decorations, paintings, carvings, and gold ornaments in one of the tombs, the work being as fresh then as when executed more than six thousand years ago. In his concluding remarks Sir Benjamin said those who entered earnestly into this photographic survey work were contributing to the history of the country material which would be of untold value. Other speakers were Mr. Christy, Mr. Eliot Howard, J.P., and the Rev. J. W. Kenworthy. The report was unanimously adopted. Luncheon over, various places of interest in the town were visited. A call was made at the home of the Misses Spurge, who now are the chief agents for the collection of the produce of the Coggeshall Tambour Lace workers, and some very beautiful specimens were shown. We also visited one of the lace makers at work in her cottage, probably the identical one shown at the frame in the photograph reproduced in Miss Fell-Smith's article on lace-making in the Victoria History (Vol. II., pp, 484-87, Figs. 15 and 16), to which the reader is referred for some most interesting information on this subject. By the kind permission of the Rev. Conrad Noel (the well-known "Christian Socialist") the fine Tudor house, aycocks," in West Street, was inspected. The party (hen walked to Kelvedon Rectory, where they were most hospitably received at tea by the Rev. E. F. Hay. The Rectory contains several very interesting historical pictures and relics, which would well repay attentive examination. A short Ordinary Meeting of the Club (the 256th) was held, the President, Mr. Christy, in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected members of the Club :— Mr. Sydney F. Barton, 116, High Holborn, London, W.C. Mr. Robert Griggs, Architect, 11, Gray's Inn Square, London, W.C. Miss M. Von Limburg Sunnyside, Woodford Green, E. Mr. Herbert B. Peck, 266, Burdett Road, London, E. Mr. Clement A. Robertson, no, High Holborn, London, W.C. Mr. Walter Stair, Architect, Ridgeway, Chingford, Essex, E. Mr. Horace White, A.R.I.B.A., Station Road, Loughton, Essex. On the motion of Sir Benjamin Stone, a very cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Hay for his great kindness and hospitality. Afterwards he church (S. Mary), a very interesting building, was visited, and the party left by the 7.43 train from Kelvedon, having experienced a very pleasant and instructive day. VISIT TO THE DENEHOLES IN HANGMAN'S WOOD NEAR GRAYS. Saturday, June 29th, 1907. This meeting was arranged, at the kind suggestion of Mr. Jonathan Seabrooke, to permit many members and friends who were not familiar with our Essex Deneholes to inspect them under peculiarly favourable circumstances. Per- mission to hold the meeting in the wood was courteously given by the owner, Major Whitmore, and the agent for the Manor, Mr. Kemp-Smith. Our kind