THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 147 SUMMER RAMBLE IN EPPING FOREST. July 20th, 1907. The members and visitors assembled in considerable numbers at Theydon Bois station about half-past three o'clock. The Conductors were Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S., Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., and the Hon. Secretaries. At the time the circular calling the meeting was issued (about a fortnight previously) the weather had been stormy and gloomy, but it had greatly improved, and the day proved fine as the afternoon wore on. The route taken was the field path to the Purlieu Farm, running by side of the railway, and so on to Epping Thicks, and through the Forest to Monks Wood. At Ambresbury Banks Mr. Cole gave a brief account of the camp and the work of exploration in 1880, Prof. Boulger gave occasional demonstrations of the plants and trees which attracted notice. The forest was in grand condition, and everyone was struck with the extraordinary growth of foliage, especially in places formerly overgrown and dismal, which by the judicious thinning of late years bad been changed to beautiful leafy and luxuriant wood openings. In Monk Wood a tent had been set up by kind permission of Mr. F. F. McKenzie, the Superintendent of the Forest, and in it an excellent fruit tea was served by Mr. Voysey, of Buckhurst Hill. Afterwards an Ordinary Meeting (the 257th) was held, Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., President, in the chair. Mr. W. Cole exhibited a sprig of the Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus) from a plant which had been growing under hiscare for nearly 40 years and also specimens showing a curious fasciated growth of the Willow which had appeared on trees in the Forest. (See future "Notes.") The President, Prof. Boulger, and Mr. J. C. Shenstone alluded in very sympathetic terms to the loss the Club had sustained in the death of Mr. Charles A. Wright, F.L.S. Professor Boulger then delivered an excellent address on "Anatomy and Function in Forest Trees." In the evening the party walked through the Forest to Loughton Station to take train homeward. THE 258th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, October 26th, 1907. The first meeting of the Winter Session was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6.50 p.m., Mr.. Miller Christy, F.L.S., President, in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected members :— Miss Kate M. Skinner, "Wansfell," Theydon Bois. Mr. J. T. Winkworth, 290, Burdett Road, London, E. Mr. W. B. McMaster, Croydon, and 15, Seething Lane, London, E.C. Deaths of Mr. Chalkley Gould and Prof. Charles Stewart.—The President alluded in sympathetic terms to the death of Mr. I. Chalkley Gould, F.S.A., one of the Vice-Presidents of the Club and Chairman of the Red- Hills Exploration Committee. The President said that he and the Secretaries had attended the funeral at St. John's Parish Church, Loughton, on the 16th of