PLANT DISTRIBUTION. 157 It has been advisable to split one of the tables into two, so that there are in reality four. Some sub-groups are included in each table, which are explained by foot notes. Some instances occur in which a plant might be truthfully placed in two or more of the tables, but I have tried to avoid this repetition as tending to confusion. I have placed such plants in the table to which they seem most naturally to belong. The names are obtained from Hooker's Students' Flora (2nd edition). In a few instances the English names are altered to a more colloquial form:— TABLE 1. Plants not often widely distributed, and which, generally from their position or mode of occurrence, may be regarded as new, or comparatively new, arrivals :— Thalictrum flavum. Meadow Rue Caltha palustris. Marsh Marigold Nuphar luteum. Yellow Water Lily Hypericum quadrangulum. St. John's Wort Rubus caesius. Dewberry Lythrum salicaria. Purple Loosestrife Viburnum opulus. Guelder Rose Valeriana officinalis. Great Valerian Symphytum officinale. Comfrey Veronica anagallis. Long-leaved Water Speedwell Scutellaria galericulata. Skull-Cap Stachys palustris. Marsh Wound Wort Lysimachia nummularia. Creeping Jenny Sagittaria sagittifolia. Arrow-head Scirpus lacustris. Bull-rush Conium maculatum. Hemlock Campanula rotundifolia. Hare Bell Veronica buxbaumii. Buxbaum's Speedwell Senebiera coronopus. Wart Cress Daucus carota. Wild Carrot Lathyrus nissolia. Crimson Vetchling Verbena officinalis, Common Vervain Aspiaium aculeatum. Holly Fern Tanacetum vulgare. Tansy Ranunculus arvensis. Corn Crowfoot Raphanus raphinistrum White Charlock Tilia parviflora. Small-leaved Lime Vicia sativa. Vetch Vicia hirsuta. Tare Hyoscyamus niger. Henbane Borago officinalis. Borage