158 PLANT DISTRIBUTION. Solanum nigrum. Garden Nightshade Melampyrum arvense. Cow Wheat Lithospermum arvense. Corn Gromwell Orobanche minor. Broomrape Cuscuta epithymum. Dodder Galeopsis ladanum } Hemp Nettle G. tretrahit } Lychnis vespertina. White Campion Centaurea cyanus. Cornflower Bupleurum rotundifolium. Hare's Ear Valerianella olitoria Lamb's Lettuce Linaria spuria. } Toad Flax L. minor. } Scabiosa Succisa. Devil's Bit Githago segetum. Corn Cockle Lathy iis aphaca. Yellow Vetchling Sisymbrium thaliana. Thale Cress Campanula hybrida. Corn Bell Flower Sagina procumbens. Hop Trefoil Thlaspi arvense. Penny Cress Gnaphalium sylvaticum } Cudweed G. uliginosum } Viscum album, Miseltoe Populus tremula. Aspen Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel. Valeriana dioica. Marsh Valerian Humulus lupulus. Hop Sparganium ramosum. Bur Reed Pyrus maius. Crab Linaria vulgaris. Greater Toad Flax Rhamnus frangula. Buckthorn Lepidium smithii. Pepperwort Potentilla anserina. Silver Weed NOTES TO TABLE I. (1) These are probably the most recent arrivals of all. (2) These have been probably introduced artificially, and some of them perhaps re-introduced from time to time. TABLE II. Plants which are well established and more widely distributed, but which probably have not yet reached their culmination :— Viola tricolor. Field Pansy Scandix pecten-veneris. Venus's Comb Scabiosa arvensis. Corn Scabious Sonchus arvensis. Sow Thistle. Mentha arvensis. Corn Mint AEthusa cynapium. Fool's Paisley