PLANT DISTRIBUTION. 161 L. album. White Dead Nettle Scilla nutans. Blue Bell Juncus glaucus. Hard Rush Polypodium vulgare. Polpody Fern Ballota nigra. Black Horehound Tussilago farfara. Coltsfoot Nasturtium officinale. Water Cress Veronica chamaedrys. Germander Speedwell Mentha sylvestris. Horse Mint Ranunculus ficaria. Lesser Celandine Bellis perennis. Daisy Carpinus betulus. Hornbeam Alnus glutinosa. Alder Brassica sinapistrum. Yellow Charlock Papaver hybridum. Scarlet Poppy Chrysanthemum leneanthemum. Ox-eye Daisy Nephrodium filix-mas. Male Fern Ranunculus acris. Acrid Buttercup Primula vulgaris. Primrose Rubus fruticosus. Blackberry Bryonia dioica. Bryony Geranium robertianum. Herb Robert Callitriche verna. Water Starwort Cardamine pratensis. Cuckoo Flower Chenopodium album C. urbicum Goosefoot Lotus corniculatus. Bird's Foot Trefoil Polygonum aviculare. Knot Grass NOTES TO TABLE III. (1) These plants are in the highest degree invasive. (2) These are seldom invasive, and yet widely and rather uniformly distributed. (3) These, though locally invasive, appear to have little power of dissemination. They occur often in clusters. (4) These, from some cause or other, will not often re- establish themselves when once removed. All are probably diminishing. (5) The case of the Primrose is peculiar at Felstead. On the north side of the parish it is extinct, in consequence of its proximity to an allied species (P. elatior), which somehow acts detrimentally. On the south side of the parish it occurs in great profusion and seeds readily. At an intermediate point it occurs as a lingerer. The tendency within the last fifty years has been to remove this point still further to the south.