184 NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. Subsidence at Grays.—"Strange Earth Fall at Grays." "A remarkable subsidence has taken place in the back garden of one of the cottages in Southend Road, Grays, the earth having dropped to a depth of twenty feet, exposing a pit sixteen feet in diameter. It is believed that the fall is due to the existence of a subterranean passage connected with the Dene Holes, which are situate in the immediate vicinity. On Monday H=Position of Subsidence. P.A. = Palmer's Avenue. W.L.=Whitehall Lan. S.R.=Southend Road. C.R.=Chadwell Road. Scale 6 inches=1 mile. the task of filling in the hole was completed, 150 tons of material having been required. During the night, however, the ground again sank deeper than before, and much alarm is felt for the safety of the cottages."—Essex County Chron., 29th Nov., '07. I am indebted to our president, Mr. Miller Christy, for the information contained in the above newspaper cutting. On visiting Grays on December 10th I found that the position of the subsidence was at the back of the row of houses on the eastern side of the Southend Road, and north of its junction with the road to Grays Cemetery and Chadwell, as shown in the tracing from the ordnance map (6 inches to a mile). It was then nearly filled up, and though the cause of the subsidence remains doubtful, its exact position seems well worth recording. —T. V. H.