MINERAL WATERS AND MEDICINAL SPRINGS OF ESSEX 189 The author of a work published a little more than thirty years later was able to make only the curt statement7 that "some Mineral Waters rise in the County, but few have obtained much repute." To-day, every single one of our Essex Mineral Springs, with one exception of little importance, is wholly neglected and almost forgotten. It is for this reason that we have sought to gather up, in the following pages such information in regard to each as it is now possible to recover. In 1699, a writer in the publications of the Royal Society declared8 that " Whoever discovers . . . Healing Waters and publickly prescribes the safe and right use of them does really distribute larger and nobler almes than if he built and endowed a Savoy ; for this prolongs life and restores health (which is sometimes better than life), both to rich and poor, to natives and strangers, to neighbors and travellers." If we cannot claim credit for having done this, it has seemed to us, nevertheless, that the work we have undertaken was well worth doing. Even as far back as the year 1889, the Editor of the Essex Naturalist expressed" a hope that he might soon be able to publish in his pages a history and description of the Essex Mineral Springs. He has had to wait just twenty years for the fulfilment of that hope. In regard to our respective shares in the work, we may say that, in the main, the historical and topographical matter has been supplied by Mr. Christy, while the analytical investi- gations have been undertaken by Miss Thresh. We desire to express our indebtedness to many friends and correspondents who have assisted us in our search for lost wells and in obtaining samples of water ; to others who have replied by letter or otherwise to our many troublesome enquiries ; and to yet others who have lent us books. Among these, we may mention Mr. John Avery, of Forest Gate, Mr. J. H. Burgess, of Hockley, Mr. E. North Buxton, Mr.. George Clements, of Hockley, the Messrs. W., B. G., and H. A. Cole, of Buckhurst Hill, Mr. Walter Crouch, of Wanstead, the Rev. J. Bonamy Dobree, of West Tilbury, Mr. E. A. Fitch, the Rev. Canon Fraser, of South Weald, Mr. John French, the late Mr. I. Chalkley 7 Beauties of Engl. & Wales, v., p. 252 (1803). 8 Philos. Traits., iv., p. 1040 (1699). 9 Essex Nat., iii., p. 198 (1889).