194 MINERAL WATERS AND MEDICINAL SPRINGS OF ESSEX. 1842.—[GRANVILLE, A. B., Richard. PHILLIPS, and Anothtr.]—A Brief Account of Hockley Spa, near Southend, Essex ; with an Analysis of the Water by Richard Phillips, F.R.S.L., and E. London : Published by Richard Groombridge, Panyer Alley, and Henry Guy, Chelmsford. MDCCCXLII. 31 + [2] pp.. demy octavo, with lithographed frontispiece, showing "The Pump Room" (then being built). A shilling pamphlet, in a green paper cover. The preface is dated "June 1842." The body of the work consists of a reprint (pp. 5-16) of Dr. Granville's account of the Spa (from his Spas, ii., pp. 605-614) ; information (pp. 16-22) about Hockley, its vicinity, and its history, by an anonymous writer; (pp. 23-31) Phillips's report on his analysis of the water (doubtless reprinted from his pamphlet); and (pp. 31-[33]) Testimonials from doctors. 1889.—DALTON, W. H., F.G.S.—A List of Works referring to British Mineral and Thermal Waters. . . . Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New Street Square, London, 1889. 47 pp., demy octavo. Reprinted from the Report of the Brit. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., Bath Meeting, 1888, pp. 859-897 (1889). A very complete and valuable piece of bibliographical work, enumerating no fewer than 740 titles. It will be seen from the foregoing that the literature relating to our Essex Mineral Springs is considerable, if not voluminous. There are several important general treatises on the Mineral Wells of Britain which devote a considerable amount of space to those of this county—namely, the works of Allen (1699 and 1711), Rutty (1757), Monro (1770), Granville (1842), and Dalton (1889). There is one work which treats comprehensively of nearly all our Essex springs—namely, that of Trinder (1783). Of treatises devoted to the description of some particular Essex spring, there are three (or, counting the various editions, seven)—namely, Taverner on Witham Spa (1737), Andree on Tilbury Well (1737, 1740, 1764, 1779, and 1781), and Phillips on Hockley Spa (1841). In addition to the foregoing works, there are scattered items of information to be gleaned from the works of the various county historians and topographers—especially Cox (1720), Morant (1768), the "Gentleman" (1769-72), Ogborne (1814-17), and Benton (1875). III.—PARTICULARS AS TO EACH ESSEX MINERAL SPRING. At the outset, we may refer to the fact that the parish now known as North Ockendon appears to have been known originally as Wokyndon Septemfontium, or Setfontayna, or