MINERAL WATERS AND MEDICINAL SPRINGS OF ESSEX. 199. waters." "After a gallon of beer a day [he adds], they no doubt needed some little corrective !" Some of the names cut in the brickwork appear to be recent, which suggests that the well still retains some local fame as a medicinal spring ; and Mr. Tower informs us that, even now, he still receives occasionally applications from cottagers and others living in the vicinity, for permission to take water from FIG. I.—THE MINERAL SPRING AT SOUTH WEALD (from a photograph by Miller Christy). the well for medicinal purposes.22 The well itself has now, how- ever, an uncared-for appearance and the water in it looks dirty and uninviting. I have tasted it on the spot, and found it to resemble the flattest ditch-water. Its surface appears to stand normally a little below the level of the surrounding ground, and there are some three or four feet of water in the well. There is 22 Anyone having a desire to visit the well should remember that it is on private property and should ask permission.