258 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. THE 261st ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, January 25TH, 1908. The fourth meeting of the Winter Session was held at six o'clock in the Physical Lecture Theatre, Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, the President, Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., in the chair. New Member.—Councillor J. R. Moore-Smith, J.P., Mayor of West Ham, was elected a member of the Club. Donations to the Library.—Mr. Thomas W. Reader, the Hon. Librarian, exhibited the books presented to the library since the last meeting. Amongst them was a set of parts of Folk Lure, comprising many years, although not from the commencement, from Mr. T. V. Holmes, F.G.S., and it was understood that Mr. Holmes would present to the library future parts, as published. Mr. Holmes had also sent in the parts of the Geological Magazine in continuation of the set already presented by him and also the "Blue-books,' Reports of the Coast Erosion Committee and of the Rivers Commission. A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Holmes for his continued good- will to the library. Mr. Avery's Loan Collection of Photographs.—A vote of thanks was also passed to Mr. John Avery for his loan of a set of photographs of Essex villages, etc., to the Museum, for exhibition in the Art-Room of the Museum. Fossil Bones from Ilford.—The Curator exhibited some teeth and fragments of bones from Ilford, which he had purchased for the Museum. The bones had been found by a workman (Mr. A. G. Farrow) while excavating for sand and ballast at a depth of 14 or 15 feet, at a spot between Ilford Lane and the River Roding, near Ilford Broadway, during the last few months. Mr. E. T. Newton, F.R.S., said he had examined these bones, and thought that the teeth belonged to possibly two species of Rhinoceros. One fragmentary tooth was that of the mammoth (Elephas primigenius) and the other fragments of bone possibly belonged to Bos primigenius. Donation of Flint Implements.—The Curator also exhibited some half-a- dozen Flint Implements from Essex localities which had been presented to the Museum by Dr. Frank Corner, F.G.S., of the Manor House, Poplar. Tawny Owl.—A specimen of the Tawny Owl (Syrnium aluco) from Ware, Hertfordshire, presented in the flesh by Mr. John Beddall Smith, was exhibited. Flint Implements Exhibited.—Mr. John French exhibited two Palaeolithic Implements from River Drift Gravels at Flamstead End, Cheshunt. Also two Paleolithic "Flakes" from very ancient gravel at Causeway End, Felstead, 230 feet O.D. Also a rude Palaeolithic Implement from the slopes of the Ter River, near Rayne, Essex. This last named implement was thickly coated, and had weathered out of an ancient gravel bed, 215 feet O.D. And lastly, a spurious Stone Implement, being a veritable production of "Flint Jack." The forger had somehow contrived to give the stone a lustrous, genuine appearance. Some remarks on these implements were made by Mr. E. T. Newton, F.R.S. Corals from Timor.—Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., exhibited a series of corals and specimens of reef-rock from Baucan, north coast of Portuguese