THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 271 The Annual Report was read by the Hon. Secretary, and Mr. Howard presented the financial statement. In doing this he mentioned that the Club was short of funds, and it would be an invaluable help if they could get a few more members. Twenty members more would make all the difference between anxiety and satisfaction to the Treasurer. The work of the club had been more and more interesting, and the need of it increased steadily. The report and accounts were unanimously passed. The Secretary presented an account of the moneys received and expended on account of the "Tea Fund." President.—The Chairman announced that Mr. T. S. Dymond, F.C.S., F.I.C, who had been nominated at the meeting in February, regretted his inability to be present owing to an important engagement made a long time since. He had sent a letter thanking the members for the honour they had done him in proposing him for the important position of President. Members of Council and Officers Elected.—At the meeting on February 29th last the following Members retired from the Council :—Messrs. Avery, McConnell, and Russell, and the death had occurred of Mr. Chalkley Gould. The following were duly nominated as new Members of the Council :— Mr. John Avery, C.A. ; Prof. Primrose McConnell, B.Sc, F.G.S. ; Mr. Champion Russell, M.A., J.P.; and Mr. Hazzlidene Warren, F.G.S. As Officers for 1908, the following were duly nominated :—President, Mr. T S. Dymond, F.I.C, F.C.S. ; Treasurer, Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., F.I.C. ; Hon. Secretaries, Mr. W. Cole, F.L.S., and Mr. B. G. Cole ; Librarian, Mr. Thomas W. Reader, F.G.S. ; Auditors, Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., and Mr. J. D. Cooper. No other Members having been proposed, the above-named gentlemen stood elected as Members of the Council and Officers for 1908, and were so declared by the Chairman. On retiring from the Presidency under Rule V., Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., becomes one of the Permanent Vice-Presidents of the Club. The Chairman, on behalf of the Council, proposed that Sir Archibald Geikie, K.C.B., LL.D., B.Sc, F.R.S,, F.G.S., be elected one of the Honorary Members of the Club, in the place of the late Professor Stewart, F.R.S. This was seconded by Professor Meldola, and agreed to with acclamation. The retiring president, Mr. Christy, made a few remarks on the work of the club. During the past year they had had more original research than ever before, and their meetings had elicited some really valuable and scientific communications. The county meetings had been highly satisfactory. They had lost several very valuable members during the year, including Mr. Chalkley Gould, Dr. Sorby, and Mr. Oldham, the latter of whom was one of their oldest members and took a deep interest in the work of the club, though his advanced age had prevented his regular attendance at the meetings. Professor Steward had also gone; he had been on the list of Hon. Members for some time, and his demise was a great loss to science. Professor Meldola moved a hearty vote of thanks to the retiring President for his services. It was impossible to speak too highly of their indebtedness to to Mr. Christy, because there are no doubt that, during the period in which Mr. Christy had been chairman of the club, its interests had been promoted in every possible way.