278 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. AN AFTERNOON AND EVENING RAMBLE THROUGH HAINHAULT FOREST. Wednesday, July 8th, 1908, On this afternoon the Club paid a visit to Hainhault Forest to inspect the present appearance of the ground, and to observe the effect of re-afforestation, which has been carried out under the supervision of Mr. E. N. Buxton, to whose untiring efforts the reclaiming to public uses of this beautiful tract of land is so largely due. A Wednesday afternoon had been chosen to suit Mr. Buxton's convenience and, judging from the large attendance (about 50), the innovation was welcome to our members. The "Conductors" were Mr. Buxton, J.P., Mr. Francis Dent, J.P., Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., and the Hon. Secretaries. Unfortunately frequent showers somewhat maried the pleasure of the excursion. The members met at Woodford Station, and brakes conveyed the party through Woodford Bridge and along undulating and picturesque forest roads to Fairlop, where the playing fields which have been acquired by the London Playing Fields Society and the Ilford Urban District Council were inspected. The fields are of a great extent, containing in all about 75 acres. They have been levelled and laid down to grass. Already there is a good bottom, and before long it will be possible to form cricket pitches. The improvement that has been brought about since the Club last visited the district was very apparent. Mr. Buxton, to whose exertions the acquisition of the land was mainly due, explained the steps taken to secure it and the plans for its future management. The drive was resumed for about a mile, when Hainault Lodge was reached, and the company were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Green, who provided tea in the house, rain preventing the meal being served in the attractive garden, as at first arranged. After tea a short Ordinary Meeting (the 266th) was held, Mr. E. N, Buxton, Vice-President of the Club, in the Chair. The following were elected members :— Miss Jane E, Biggs, Clyde Place, Leyton. Mr. Leonard V. Dalton, 10, Dewhurst Road, West Kensington, W. Mrs, M. Buchanan Goodman, "Hacienda,'' Loughton. Miss M. Hall, M.A., The High School, Loughton. Miss E. J. Hanson, "Little Woodberrie," Loughton. Mr. Alexander John Hogg, "Shirley," Rayleigh. Mrs. Hugh McLachlan, Clarendon Road, Lewisham, S.E. Lady O'Hagan, Pyrgo Park, Havering-atte-Bower. The Hon. Mary O'Hagan, Pyrgo Park, Havering-atte-Bower, Miss Gladys B. Unger, "Hacienda" Loughton. Miss M. Zimmerman, Woodberrie Hill, Loughton. Prof. Meldola, in proposing a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Green for their hospitality, congratulated Mrs. Green upon having recently received the decoration of the Order of the League of Mercy. He also expressed, on behalf of the Club, their warm appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. E. N. Buxton, who had taken in hand the latest valuable acquisition at Fairlop, and who, by his usual indomitable perseverance, was carrying it through to a successful issue. They would thus have a playground which was sadly needed for the toiling masses of that end of London. He also referred