THE RE-AFFORESTATION OF HAINHAULT. 21 Couch-grass and other weeds before sowing the grass, and the result of ploughing was that they came up a thick unsightly mass of Twitch and other weeds, which threatened to smother and probably did smother many of the tree seedlings. Nor was the condition of things much better in a patch on the 7 acres on Dog-kennel Hill which was enclosed for planting without previously ploughing, for on this field the expensive seed mixture containing Cocksfoot had been sown, and this Cocksfoot also grew to an amazing height. FlG. 3.—EFFECT OF PLOUGHING BEFORE PLANTING, AND FENCING AGAINST CATTLE AFTERWARDS. SEEDLING TREES AND SAPLINGS HALF SMOTHERED WITH COUCH-GRASS AND OTHER WEEDS. Natural Protection. Nature is the best guide, and the old forest gives countless examples of her own admirable method of forest regeneration, which, while affording complete protection to seedling trees, yet avoids the difficulties alluded to. Everywhere in the old forest will be seen young trees growing up through a thicket of thorn or bramble or holly, without which none have a chance of escaping the browsing of cattle, while round the thicket the grass is still kept cropped close by grazing. In time the thicket dies away, as the umbrageous covering above thickens, and the full beauty of the tree is revealed. A similar instance of