SOME NOTES ON "MOORLOG." 53 some records from the log of the exploring vessel "Huxley." Prom these we learn that moorlog has also been found on the south-west end of the Bank. The only other records of its occurrence in quantity are from close to the shore in a more or less broken line from Cromer southward down the English coast, and northward along the Continental shores as far as Heligoland, where it is common. It is not found again until FIG I —PHOTOGRAPH OF SAMPLE OF "MOORLOG" SHOWING PLANT REMAINS. Horn Reef, at the south of Jutland, is reached. We are not concerned, however, in this paper with the deposits near the coasts. On the Dogger Bank the moorlog is usually found on the slopes at a depth of 22 or 23 fathoms, but at the south-west end of the Bank it occurs on the top as well as on the slope; the sea bottom on which the moorlog is taken consisting of fine grey sand. It is usually found in small pieces, but occasionally some attain a length of 5 or 6 feet, but are never more than 18 inches thick.