88 NOTES ON A BONE OBJECT. purpose, but he, in turn, referred the question to Mr. Henry Balfour, of Oxford, who offered the opinion that it was a skate. Mr. Balfour was probably led to this conclusion from its resemblance, so far as the holes are concerned, to the rarer form of bone skate which is pierced at both ends, in a manner FIG. 8.—BRONZE-AGE TRUMPET (BRITISH MUSEUM). Fig,-9.—two African horNs (British museum). similar to the Braintree and Colchester objects. Attention has been drawn to these skates by Dr. Robert Munro.2 One of these (fig. 11) was found at Stixwold Ferry, near Lincoln,3 and is now in the Edinburgh Museum; the other at Ramsey, Hunts, 2 Prehistoric Problems, p. 296. 3 Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute. 1848 (Lincoln).