112 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. published a "Supplementary Note" (E.N., vol. xv., pp. 126-129). Prof. Meldola put forward a strong plea for the preservation of these relics; and, at a meeting of the Essex Field Club on 23rd May 1908, a resolution was passed calling the attention of the Essex County Council to the matter. On 7th July 1908, the Council, agreeing to the Club's recommendations, passed the following resolution:— "That the County Council bear the cost (not exceeding £100) of re-fixing, railing in, and preserving the ancient Boundary Stones of Waltham Forest, subject to the Essex Field Club locating the same and carrying out the work." A Committee of the Club was empowered to act, consisting of the President, Mr. T. S. Dymond, F.C.S.. Prof. Meldola, F.R.S. (Chairman), Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., Mr. Miller Christy, F.L.S., Prof. Coker, M.A., D.Sc., Mr. H. A. Cole, and Messrs. W. and B. G. Cole (Hon. Secretaries). Mr. J. E. Savidge, A.M.I.M.E., Assistant to Prof. Coker, was appointed Acting Engineer. The Committee at once set to work, and the present meeting was held to inspect the re-erected memorials under very pleasant conditions, Lady O'Hagan having kindly asked the Club to visit her at Pyrgo Park. One stone restored by the Committee (the "Forest Bounds Stone") is not mentioned in the Perambulation of 1641, although entered on the old maps, and it is suggested that it may be a relic of a former perambulation, while "Collier Row Stone," which cannot be identified, is, for the present, represented by a "dummy" set up in the presumed position of the original. It is unnecessary to give any description of the stones, as this has been done in the above-named papers. An illustrated brochure was prepared by the Hon. Secretary, giving some details of the origin of the memorials and of the work of restoration. A copy was handed to each member of the company as a Souvenir of the meeting. A start was made, about 11.30, from Ilford Station, where conveyances were in attendance. The "conductors" were Mr. Miller Christy, Professor Coker, Mr. W. Cole, Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., Mr. T. S. Dymond, Mr. J. E. Savidge, and Mr. Walter Young. It was a matter of great regret that Prof. Meldola was unable to be present. Alderman Glenny and Mr. J. R, Roberts, C.C, attended as representing the Essex County Council. The Stones w,ere visited in the following order:—The "Havering Stone" (in the High Road at Chadwell Heath), the "Forest Bounds Stone" (not men- tioned in the Perambulation of 1641), then "Marks Stone" and "Warren Stone" on the Warren Farm. The Directors gave ample explanations, and Mr. Savidge showed the engineer's drawings, and pointed out how thoroughly the work had been done. The party was then driven to the Foxborrow Farm on Hainhault Forest, where luncheon was taken. In the afternoon, it was found imperative to somewhat curtail the pro- jected programme, as time prevented visits to all the sites. The Stone standing in the hedge surrounding Mr. F. Green's house ("Hainhault Lodge"), which had recently been discovered by Mr. H. A. Cole, and which the Committee had some reason to suppose was the missing "Collier Row Stone," was inspected, as was also the "dummy" set up on the supposed site of the "Collier Row Stone." The "Park Corner Stone," which indicated the margin of the Royal park near Havering Park was also visited, necessitating a long walk over the fields.