REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF EPPING FOREST. 141 Tribe— BAEOMYCETEI. Baeomyces rufus, D.C. Side of gravel pit near Wake Arms; on gravelly bank, Blackweir Hill; and at Oakhill, Theydon; fertile. B. roseus, Pers. On heathy ground, Blackweir Hill; and by Green Ride S. of Broadstrood: fertile; what is probably the barren thallus of this species occurs at Oakhill, They- don; Grubb's Pit, Loughton Forest; and elsewhere on suitable ground. Tribe-CLADONIEI. Cladonia pyxidata, Fr. Lich. Eur. On stumps of trees, border of Great Monk Wood; ditch bank, Debden Green; fertile; widely distributed, but usually barren. var. chlorophaea, Flk. On the ground between Loughton Camp and Wood- berrie Hill; heathy ground, Sandpit Plain; border of Little Monk Wood; Great Monk Wood; fertile. Cladonia fimbriata, Fr. Lich. Eur. Heathy ground, Little Monk Wood; Nether Hall; wall-top at Waltham Abbey; sterile. Sub. sp. C. fibula, var. B. subcornuta, Nyl. On ground, border of Great Monk Wood; sterile. Cladonia furcata, Hoffm. Near Baldwin's Pond; on the ground, Great Monk Wood; sterile. var. spinosa, Hook. On ground, Great Monk Wood; sterile. C. squamosa, Hoffm. On base of trunk of hornbeam between Debden Slade and Earls' Path; fertile. C. coccifera, Schaer. Spic. On heathy ground, border of Great Monk Wood; fertile. C. macilenta, Hoffm. Near Debden Slade; York Hill; heathy ground between Sandpit Plain and Little Monk Wood; and elsewhere; fertile.