REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF EPPING FOREST. var. scabrosa, Mudd. On heathy ground, Loughton Camp and Little Monk Wood; near Sandpit Plain; fertile, var. coronata, Nyl. On ground, border of Great Monk Wood; heathy ground between Sandpit Plain and Little Monk Wood; fertile. C. floerkiana, Fr. On heathy ground between Sandpit Plain and Little Monk Wood; and elsewhere; fertile. Cladina sylvatica, Hoffm. f. tenuis, Flk. On stump, border of Great Monk Wood; on boggy heath, Woodreddon Hill; sterile. Tribe-PARMELIEI. Evernia prunastri, Ach. Lich. Univ. On trunk of oak near Grubb's pit; trunk of hornbeam near York Hill; Highbeach; Epping Lower Forest. Sterile. The specimens are generally very stunted and unhealthy looking; those from Epping Lower Forest are finer. Parmelia saxatilis, Ach. Meth. On trunks of trees throughout the Forest. Sterile, but well developed at Oak Hill, Bell Common, Great and Little Monk Woods; sterile. P. lorreri, Turn. On trunk of oak, Great Monk Wood; Nether Hall grounds. P. exasperata, Nyl. Distributed throughout the Forest; sterile and poorly developed wherever found. P. physodes, f. labrosa Ach. One of the commonest lichens of the Forest. Sterile, but well developed on trees round the pond at Bell Common. Well grown specimens occur in Great and Little Monk Woods. Tribe—PELTIGEREI. Peltigera canina, Hoffm. Near Fairmead Bottom; fertile; border of Sand Pit