REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF EPPING FOREST. 143 Plain; Grubb's Pit; Wake Valley; and elsewhere. Rather rare, but still fertile. Tribe—PHYSCIEI. Xanthoria (Physcia) parietina, Ach. On beech trunk, Little Monk Wood; fertile. Form 2, cinerascens, Leight. var. B. aureola, Nyl. On roots of beech, High Wood, Fair Mead; fertile; f. congranulata, Cromb. On wall at Epping; on brick wall, Honey Lane Plain; on mortar, Nazing Church; fertile. Physcia stellaris, Sub. sp. tenella, Nyl. On a wall at Leppits' Hill; roots of trees near Fair- mead Oak. Small and sterile. P. caesia, Nyl. On root of felled tree at Woodreddon Hill. This is a most interesting plant. It usually occurs on walls and roofs, but in this locality it is apparently healthy, although sterile. Thought by Crombie to be extinct. Tribe—LECANO-LECIDEEI. Sub-Tribe—EECANOREI. Lecanora (Placodium) murorum, Ach. Lich. Univ. On wall, Black Acre Farm, Theydon Bois; brick wall, Uplands, Loughton; Nazing; fertile. Not given by Crombie. L. vitellina, Ach. Lich. Univ. On wall at Leppits' Hill and at High Beach; fertile. L. galactina, Ach. Lich. Univ. Found throughout the Forest wherever there is an old wall; fertile. L. allophana, Nyl. On trunk of Hornbeam, near Loughton Camp; Wood- berrie Hill; Honey Lane Quarters; and Copped Hall; between Robin Hood and Shelley's Hill; fertile. L. Sub. sp., chlarona, Nyl. On trunk of beech, Great Monk Wood; Little Monk Wood ; near Woodberrie Hill; between Broadstrood and Debden Green ; near York Hill; fertile.