144 REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF EPPING FOREST. L. varia, Ach. On trees scattered throughout the Forest; fertile. L. conizaeoides, Nyl. On exposed roots of old beeches, High Beach ; Great Monk Wood; Oak Hill, Long-Running; fertile. Sub-Tribe—PERTUSARIEI. Pertusaria communis, D.C. On trunk of hornbeam, Honey Lane Quarters; Golding's Hill; fertile. P. amara, .Nyl. On trunk of hornbeam, slope of Loughton Camp ; Bell Common; on oak, Copped Hall; fertile. P. wulfenii, D.C. (fallax Pers.) On trunk of hornbeam, near Golding's Hill; fertile. Sub-Tribe—LECIDEEI. (a) BIATORA. Lecidea decolorans, Flk. On the ground among moss, Great and Little Monk Wood; about Loughton Camp; Grubbs Pit; near the Wake Arms; and at Oak Hill, Theydon. Fertile and abundant where it occurs. Crombie says "Very rare and seen only in one spot." L. tricolor, With. On trees in several parts of the Forest, where it is in the spermogoniferous condition. Abundantly fertile on an oak near Epping. (b) EU LECIDEA. Buellia (Lecidea) canescens, Ach. In various parts of the Forest but always sterile. L. petraea, Wulf. On flints, Great Monk Wood, near Blackweir Hill, Strawberry Hill; fertile. Buellia (Lecidea) myriocarpa, D.C. On trunks of trees in various parts of the Forest; fertile. Tribe-GRAPHIDEI. Graphis elegans, Sm. On trunk of hornbeam near York Hill; fertile.