THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 175 Allen and Mr. Bob Sawyer appear1 as the roysterous pair of medical students—"sawbones in trainin'," Mr. Weller styled them—whose acquaintance Mr. Pickwick made at Muggleton on Christmas morning. Allen was not an inviting character, as portrayed by Dickens, who describes him as a coarse, stout, thick-set young man, with black hair, cut rather short, and a white face, cut rather long. He was embellished with spectacles, and wore a white neckerchief. Below his single-breasted black surtout, which was buttoned up to his chin, appeared the usual number of pepper-and-salt coloured legs, terminating in a pair of imperfectly-polished boots. Although his coat was short in the sleeves, it disclosed no vestige of a linen wristband; and, although there was quite enough of his face to admit of the encroachment of a shirt collar, it was not graced by the smallest approach to that appendage. He presented altogether rather a mildewy appearance and emitted a fragrant odour of full-flavoured Cubas. Let us hope that this description was purely imaginary. One cannot suppose that it fitted, in any way, our worthy Braintree doctor, the friend of Ray. Yet that Dr. Benjamin Allen, of Braintree, was the original whom Dickens had in mind seems certain. It is impossible to suppose that Dickens's use of the name in question as that of a medical man can have been a mere coincidence. One is driven, therefore, to conclude that Dickens had heard, in some way, of Dr. Benjamin Allen, of Braintree, as he very well might have done through seeing his name on the title page of one or other of Allen's published works. The fact that he did so, if not of great importance, is at least interesting. No portrait of Allen exists, so far as I have been able to ascertain. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. THE 278th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, 29TH January 1910. THE Third Meeting of the Winter Session was held in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6 o'clock, Mr. John Avery, V.P., in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected members :— Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S., &c., 51, Cavendish Street, Portland Place, W. Miss J. S. Lister, Leytonstone. Frank B. Skerrett, M.D. (School Medical Officer, West Ham), 37, Windsor Road, Forest Gate, E. Pikwick. chap. 30. (1836).