THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 179 (see ante, pp. 136-145). The paper was illustrated by lantern-slides, and by a collection of Forest specimens of Lichens. The authors intimated that two sets of the species would be prepared for presentation to the Club—one for the Essex Museum and one for the Epping Forest Museum. A discussion was carried on by Mr. Shenstone, Mr. Mark Wilks, Mr. Cole, the President, and the authors, and a very cordial vote of thanks was accorded to the latter. MOSS AND LICHEN FORAY IN EPPING FOREST AND 280th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, 9th April 1910. A Field Meeting was held on this day in the parts of the Forest near Theydon Bois, for the observation in the field of Mosses and Lichens. The conductors were Mr. F. J. Chittenden, F.L.S., Mr. E. M. Holmes, F.L.S., for the Mosses, and Mr. Robert Paulson, F.R.M.S., and Mr. Percy Thompson, more particularly for the Lichens. Mr. W. Cole, hon. secretary, was also present. The meeting was an all-day one—the first party meeting at Theydon Bois station at 11 a.m., and the afternoon party at the same place at 3 p.m. The woods in the neighbourhood were very thoroughly searched, and a considerable number of species of Mosses and Lichens obtained. Some very enjoyable and instructive demonstrations in the woods were given by the conductors, notably by Mr. E. M. Holmes, Mr. Chittenden, Mr. Paulson, and Mr. Percy Thompson. Mr. Chittenden has furnished the following list of the Mosses observed. He writes "the district covered was so circumscribed that it would seem to be unnecessary to particularise precise localities. In addition to the other species of Polytrichum, Mr. Holmes thought he recognised P. strictum, but I feel doubtful whether it was that plant." LIST OF MOSSES GATHERED AT THEYDON BOIS. Sphagnum subnitens Russ. & Warnst. A. androgynum Schw. cum gemmae, S, recurvum var. mucronatum Warnst. Webera nutans Hedw. cum fr. S. cymbifolium Warnst. Bryum capillare Linn. cum fr. Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. cum gemmae. Mnium undulatum Linn. Catharinea undulata Web. and Mohr. M. hornum Linn. cum fr. cum fruc. M. punctatum Linn. Polytrichum nanum Neck. Thuidium tamariscinum Br. & P. juniperinum Willd. cum fruc. Schimp. P. piliferum Schreb. Pleuropus sericeus Dixon. P. commune Linn. Brachythecium rutabulum Br. & Ceratodon purpureus Brid. cum fr. Schimp. Dicranella heteromalla Schimp. cum fr. B. velutinum Br. & Schimp. cum fr. Campylopus pyriformis Brid. Eurhynchium praelongum Br. & Dicranum bonjeani de Not. Schimp. D. scoparium Hedw. Plagiothecium denticulatum Br. & Leucobryum glaucum Schimp. Schimp. cum fr. (several forms Fissidens bryoides Hedw. cum fr. of this variable plant). Tortula muralis Hedw. cum fr. Hypnum cupressiforme Linn. Funaria hygrometrica Sibth. cum fr. H. cuspidatum Linn. Aulacomnium palustre Schwaegr. H. schreberi Willd.