192 NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED beaks nearly touching, rapidly shook their heads from side to side. This is, I believe, a courting action of the bird. It seemed exceedingly probable that the birds would breed; but, since 6th May, up to the time of writing (nth June), they have no longer been seen. The only mention of this species in Buxton's Epping Forest is a note, signed A. L., as follows:— "I observed a female bird on the Wanstead Basin for several days in the spring of 1883." It will be remembered that, at a meeting during the past winter session (see ante, p. 176), Mr. Miller Christy exhibited a skin of this bird and remarked that, in his experience, it was becoming much commoner in the county. He further stated that he had seen one sitting on its nest at the Walthamstow Reservoirs, during the club meeting there. The occurrence of Grebes at Wanstead, so near to London, is further evidence of its steady increase in this part of England, which must be a source of much satisfaction to every bird-lover.—A. Capleton, Leytonstone. MISCELLANEOUS. Professor Meldola.—Older Members will be especially glad to know that the University of Oxford has conferred upon Professor Meldola, the first President of the Club, the Degree of Doctor of Science, at a Convocation held on 6th December, Dr. Herberden, Principal of Brasenose, presiding. The honour was in anticipation of the delivery of the Herbert Spencer Lecture by Professor Meldola on 8th December. In making the presentation, the Sedelian Professor of Natural Philosophy, Prof. A. E. H. Lowe, F.R.S., delivered the following oration, which we reprint from Nature of 8th December :— " Adest vir quern omnes, qui scientiaa et imprimis chemiae et Biologiae student, ovnare gaudent, Societatis Regalis Sodalis, Societatum Entomologiae Chemiae, Chemicorum industriae, operam dantium Praeses emeritus, Raphael Meldola. Qui vir cum prima aetate Carolo Darwin coniunclissimus esset, ita de Natura formarum novarum creatrice quaesivit ut plurimis eodem studio iucensis illud Biologiae genus quod ipse excoluerat nostratium fere proprium fieret. Posteriora eius studia partim in Physice, partim in Ctiemis versa ta sunt, quo e numero si pauca qnaedam momenti maximi commemoraie liceat, eligerem quae de Cliemia Photographiae inservient, de chemicis carbonis elementis, de chemica umotum corporalium composition commentus est. Multos iam annos in hoc Chemiae genere principem habitum atque latissimo in campo evagatum nescio an nemo nunc virum laude superavit."