193 REPORT ON MARINE SPECIMENS DREDGED FROM THE ESTUARIES OF THE ORWELL AND STOUR ON THE OCCASION OF THE CLUB'S DREDGING EXPEDITION, 23 JULY, 1910, By HENRY WHITEHEAD, B.Sc. [Read 29th October 1910.] THE specimens obtained from the Orwell and Stour in July last were handed to me as Assistant-in-charge of the Museum during the absence of the Curator. They had been preserved temporarily in a 6% solution of formalin in sea-water. This solution was changed for one of 4% in tap-water, but the Crustaceans and Sponges were transferred to 75% spirit. The bulk of the material has been mounted permanently in rect- angular specimen jars, and is now exhibited in the Museum. The sea-weeds, preserved in formalin, were sent to Mr. E. M. Holmes, F.L.S., who had kindly undertaken to name them. His report is appended. The sea-weeds have since been floated out and mounted as herbarium specimens ; duplicate specimens being kept in formalin for microscopic examination if necessary. I take this opportunity of acknowledging the help thus rendered by Mr. E. M. Holmes; by Prof. W. A. Herdman, F.R.S., who named the specimens of Tunicata ; and by Dr. W. T. Caiman and Mr. R. Kirkpatrick, both of the British Museum, who examined and named most of the Crustacea and Sponges. The Sea-weeds, Sponges, and Hydrozoa were carefully examined and washed, and the washings sieved. By this means, a number of small Crustaceans and Pycnogonida were obtained. Dr. Caiman's examination of this material has yielded some interesting results, notably a number of specimens of a small Pycnogon, Ammothea echinata, found on Hydrozoa and sea-weeds. Dr. Caiman says "So far as I know, there is only one East Coast record for . . . [this] species (A. echinata) and that a very old one from Seaham." Dr. Sorby spent a good deal of time dredging in the Orwell, but his list of Pycnogonida1 does not contain this species, and it is scarcely likely that its occurrence would have been overlooked by such a keen observer. The circumstance may probably be explained when we realise how 1 Victoria History of Essex, vol i. (1903), p. 81.