FROM THE ORWELL AND STOUR. 195 An item of special interest was the finding of large numbers of the beautiful Purple-tipped Urchin (Echinus miliaris) just off Harwich. A full list of species is given below. Those marked * are apparently new records to the county ; but as the lists of Essex Marine Invertebrates are very scattered and imperfect, it is not well to be too definite upon the point :— TUNICATA. Ascidiella virginea, O. F. M. Several. Styelopsis (Cynthia) grossularia, Van Ben. On stones and Laminaria fronds. Botryllus schlosseri, Pall. Chiefly on colonies of Alcyonidium gelatinosum. MOLLUSCA. Gibbula (=Trochus) cinerarius, L. A few, living. G., sp ? Purpura lapillus, L. A few, dead. Buccinum undatum, L. A few, living. Nassa reticulata, L. Empty shells. Ostrea edulis, L. Chlamys (=Pecten) varius, L. Empty shells. Mytilus edulis, L. Living, abundant. Nucula nitida, G. B. Sby. Shells only. Cardium edule, L. do. C. exiguum, Mont. do. Tapes pullastra, Mont. Three empty shells. Spisula (=Mactra) solida, L. A few empty shells. Scrobicularia plana, Da C. (=piperita, Gm.) One valve. Mya truncata, L. A few empty shells. Barnea (Pholas) candida, do. PYCNOGONIDA. *Phoxichilidium femoratum (Rathke). *Ammothea echinata (Hodge). Abundant. Nymphon rubrum, Hodge. CRUSTACEA. BRACHYURA. Carcinus maenas, Penn. Shore Crab. Abundant. Hyas araneus (L.). Spider Crab. Eupagurus bernhardus (L.). Hermit Crab. A few.