196 REPORT ON MARINE SPECIMENS MACRURA. Crangon vulgaris (L.). Common Shrimp. A few Pandalus montagui, Leach (=annulicornis). "The Pink Shrimp." ISOPODA. *Sphaeroma serratum (Fabr). Idothea balthica (=tricuspidata). AMPHIPODA. *Apherusa bispinosa (Bate). *Dexamine spinosa (Mont.). *Aora typica *Podocerus falcatus (Mont.). Corophium bonnellii, M. Edw. (=crassicorne); *Unciola crenatipalmata (Bate); Caprella linearis (L.). Abundant. POLYZOA. Membranipora lacroixii, Aud. On shells of mussels. M. pilosa, L., var. dentata. On fronds of Laminaria and other large algae. Alcyonidium gelatinosum, L. Very abundant in the Orwell near Pin Mill. A. mytili, Dalz. A yellowish incrustation on mussel shells. Amathia lendigera, L. Valkeria uva, L. CHAETOPODA. Lepidonotus (Polynoe) squamatus, L. Fairly abundant. Some specimens of mud-inhabiting worms have not yet been identified. Sabella penicillus. Empty tubes. ECHINODERMATA. Asterias rubens, L. "Five-fingers." A few. Solaster papposa, Fabr. "Sun-star." Common. Echinus miliaris, L. "Purple-tipped Urchin." Taken in great quantities off Harwich. Thyone fusus, O. F. M. One specimen. Dr. Sorby says that he dredged this once near Harwich and in the Orwell, but in each case only one specimen was taken.3 Victoria History of Essex, vol. i., p. 87.