206 PREHISTORIC INTERMENT NEAR WALTON-ON-NAZE. " The features are altogether modern : the nose is prominent and narrow, it has a high bridge, and a suspicion of the Roman in its curve. The supra-orbital ridges are scarcely marked. The jaws and teeth are regular ; the chin is not markedly pro- minent. The face is long and narrow, and of the oval type ; the cheek bones not being high nor projecting. " It is when the teeth and jaws are examined that we see that we cannot be dealing with a modern Englishman. At the present day the lower incisors are brought up behind the upper ones in the action of mastication : there is very little side to side movement of the lower jaw. But in this man and in the English people of prehistoric times the incisor teeth were brought edge FlG. 2.—DIAGRAM SHOWING THE APPROXIMATE POSITION OF THE SKELETON IN THE GRAVE. (FROM A SKETCH MADE ON THE SPOT.) to edge. They were rubbed against each other from side to side during mastication, so that the crowns became worn down with use. When this change in mastication came about in England, we do not know, but it would be interesting to find out. " Your evidence points to a death in the autumn, and also gives us a clue to the nature of the food. The amount of the seeds found within the body would hardly be an excessive one, or likely to have caused death. It needs a lot of haws and black- berries to keep even a little man going for 24 hours. The cause of death one cannot discover : the skeleton is healthy, and shows no evidence of violence. " Another interesting point is the marked specialization of