MUSEUM NOTES NO. VI. 217 Powell Collection. Purchased from the representatives of the late J. T. Powell. Sewell Collection. Presented by the representatives of the late Mr. S. A. Sewell. Benson Collection. Collected by the late Rev. T. Benson. Presented by Mrs. Sidney Thorp. (See Essex Naturalist vol. I. pp. 138-9 and 205). Moore Collection. Presented by Mr. W. Moore. Specimens collected principally within a five mile radius of Felstead Church and a four mile radius of Rochester Castle. Plants collected by John Ray, of Epping ; See Essex Naturalist xi., 224. Mrs. Cowles, Stratford. Plants collected near Edinburgh. Collection of British Ferns. Presented by Miss Marian S. Ridley. Collection of Phanerogamus Plants made by Miss M. I. Tindal (1835). Small Collection of Teratological Specimens, made by the late Charles Browne, M.A. And many small collections of plants by various donors. In dealing with the mass of material that was to hand, the primary consideration that guided those responsible for the arrangement of the collection was to make the Herbarium such that it would be possible for the student as rapidly as possible to refer to any specimen therein contained. As, however, the material to hand represented collections from various sources, the first practical step to be taken was to clearly mark each specimen sheet with the name of the source from which it was derived. The next consideration was the question of what arrangement of Orders, Genera and Species should be followed. The best seemed to be that of the British Museum List of Seed-plants and Ferns (of 1907), for the reason that this may be used in conjunction with the fullest and latest Botany Manual, that of the ninth edition of "Babington" as revised by Henry and James Groves and published in 1904. The British Museum List invariably adopts or refers to the specific names of this manual. In the work of sorting the material into the various Genera and Species four points had to be dealt with. (1) Many specimens were present which are not included in the British Museum List : aliens and such like plants. These for the time being have been placed in a special box which will later receive atten- tion. (2) Many specimen sheets were found on which were mounted more than one species ; these again have been separated, and will later be remounted and placed in the