228 NOTES ON CERTAIN PLANTS IN WANSTEAD PARK. specimens to our museums, conducting rambles, procuring new members, subscribing to our funds, and taking part in our Councils, have contributed each his or her share to the Club's, well-being. NOTES ON THE RECENT OCCURRENCE OF CERTAIN PLANTS IN WANSTEAD PARK, ESSEX. By the Rev. A. G. MORRIS, BA. [Read 29th October 1910.] LAST winter much work was done in the matter of cleaning out the Ornamental Waters in Wanstead Park. The mud excavated from the bottom of the lake was deposited to a depth of several feet over a considerable area of waste land in the Park. Hoping to meet with some interesting botanical "finds" on this new mud-stretch, I asked permission from the Superin- tendent of Epping Forest to examine and collect specimens. He courteously at once gave the required permission, and the botanical results are of some interest. The most interesting discovery undoubtedly was the finding of a couple of specimens of the Potentilla norvegica, a Norwegian Potentilla which has not, I believe, been found previously in this county, though it has been found in Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire. At first my thought was that seeds of it had been washed down the Roding and so found their way into the lake. This suggestion I made to a well-known botanist and member of the Linnaean Society, Dr. F. N. Williams, and he thought it quite possible. In a note to me he says : "Potentilla norvegica is a native of wet sandy places in Europe. It is much cultivated in gardens, and readily estab- lishes itself as an escape from cultivation. I think it is quite possible that the River Roding may have carried the plant along as a garden escape. I see that G. S. Gibson, Flora Essex (supplementary notes) in Bot: Exchange Club Report, 1868, queries the plant as introduced into Essex. It grows wild in Norway, Denmark, and North Germany, but not in France or Belgium." The 9th Edition of Babington's Manual quotes P. nor- vegica as "naturalised in Yorkshire and elsewhere." As it may crop up in some other Essex locality, and as the usual