236 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. of them poorly developed, and tending to be of abnormal form as a result of the dry atmospheric conditions then prevailing. SECOND FUNGUS FORAY IN EPPING FOREST. Saturday, 22nd October 1910. The Club's second Fungus Foray of the year was held on this day, when contingents of members of the Selborne Society and of the School Nature Study Union took part in the meeting, by invitation. The district traversed was from Loughton to Theydon Bois. Mr. George Massee, F.L.S., of Kew Herbarium, acted as Referee for the Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes ; and Miss Gulielma Lister, F.L.S., was an enthusiastic leader and Referee for the Myxomycetes. The morning party assembled at Loughton station at 10.51 a.m., and worked up through the woodlands by way of the Loughton Camp, Monk Wood, Broadstrood, and Hangboy Slade, to Theydon Bois, zealously collecting en route, and reaching the Headquarters at Oak Hill Farm, just before 3 o'clock. The afternoon party assembled at Theydon Bois Station at 3.7 p.m., and proceeded at once to the Headquarters to join the others. The combined forces then rambled through the Theydon woods until dusk, making further collections, during which time the specimens collected earlier in the day were being displayed and labelled by our official Referees in the Meeting Room. Tea was taken at the Headquarters at 5.30 p.m., 85 members and visitors being present. After tea, a short formal Meeting (the 288th) of the Club was held, the President, Mr. T. S. Dymond, F.I.C, F.C.S., in the chair. A telegram from Messrs. W. and B. G. Cole, regretting their inability to be present, was read by the Chairman, who undertook, on behalf of the meeting, to reply suitably. The Chairman then called upon Mr. Massee, who gave a short account of the results of the day's collecting ; he reported that the finds were extremely good in quality and had yielded one form new to Britain :— Amanita virosa, var grisea (a poisonous variety), and at least three forms new to Epping Forest, viz. :— Amillaria bulbigera, Collybia bibulosa, Pleurotus pantoleucus ; and possibly a fourth new record, Russula purpureus ; Mr. Massee suggested that the Club should publish an up-to-date list of Forest records to supplement those made by Dr. Cooke in the earlier years of its existence. At the Chairman's desire, Miss Lister then remarked on the Myxomycetes collected. Miss Lister subsequently reported as follows:—"I find, on examining the specimens microscopically, that we gathered on our delightful ramble more species than I at first realized. We found :— Badhamia utricularis Berk. Trichia affinis de Bary Physarum nutans Pers. T. persimilis Karst.