THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 245 stung Larvae" in extenso ; at the request of the President, Mr. W. Cole gave a brief resume of the paper. THE ANNUAL MEETING AND 295th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, 1st April 1911. This meeting was held at Stratford, as usual ; Mr. T. S. Dymond, F.I.C., President, in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected :— Miss Fanny Lodge, 18, Stanhope Gardens, Ilford. Mr. George Rickword, F.R.Hist.S., Librarian, on behalf of the Com- mittee of the Colchester Public Library. Rev. W. K. Wyley, Heltons Bumpstead Vicarage, Haverhill. Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S. (an Hon. Member, on taking office as President). The Hon. Secretary read, in abstract, the report of the Council, and presented the accounts of the Tea Fund. The Hon. Treasurer presented his Financial Statement (printed in the Year-Book) and added an appeal for increased membership, and also asked for contributions to the funds of the Forest Museum. He moved that the statement be adopted by the meeting, and Mr. Victor Taylor seconded. Carried unanimously. President.—The President announced the Council's nomination of Mr. William Whitaker, B.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., as President for 1911-12, which proposal, on being put to the meeting, was enthusiastically carried. Council and Officers.—At the meeting on 4th March, the following members retired from the Council:—Messrs. Bryan Corcoran, Francis W. Reader, Victor Taylor, and J. M. Wood. They all offered themselves for re-election, and were duly nominated. As officers the following were nominated :—Treasurer, Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., F.I.C ; Hon. Secretaries, Mr. W. Cole and Mr. B. G. Cole ; Librarian, Mr. Thomas W. Reader, F.G.S. ; Auditors, Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., and Mr. F. Reichert. No other members having been proposed, the above-named gentlemen stood elected as members of the Council and Officers for 1911—12, and were so declared by the Chairman. Alteration of Rule.—On the proposal of the Council, it was unani- mously agreed that in Rule III., the words "Assistant Secretary" should be altered to "one or more Assistant Secretaries," and Mr.. Percy Thompson was chosen one of the Assistant Secretaries. Mr. Thompson will also act as the Hon. Excursions Secretary. Presidential Address.—The retiring President, Mr. Dymond, then read his Presidential address (ante pp. 221-228). Mr. Miller Christy proposed that the hearty thanks of the meeting should be accorded to Mr. Dymond for his services as President, and that he should allow the address to be printed in the journal of the Club.