302 ON THE ZONAL STRATIFICATION OF THE Littorina rudis Lepton nitidum „ littorea Lutraria oblonga Nassa pusillina Mactra ovalis Natica alderi „ truncata Neptunea antiqua „ subtruncata Pleurotoma (Bela) pyramidalis Mya arenaria „ turricula Mytilus edulis Purpura lapillus Nuculana buccata Rissoa striata Nucula cobboldiae Scalar i.a trevelyana ,, nucleus Ringicula ventricosa ,, tenuis Turritella terebra Saxicava rugosa incrassata Scrobicularia piperata Utriculus truncatulus Syndesmya alba Tellina fabula ,, obliqua „ praetenuis Mr. H. B. Woodward suggests the term Icenian should cover the whole series of deposits from the Norwich Crag to the Wey- bourn beds inclusive. Mr. Harmer now regards these Tellina balthica beds as an Upper zone of the Norwich series ; personally my opinion is they might be considered as the beginning of the Pleistocene formations. I have, it may be noticed, said little about the constituents of the Crags or their contents, except incidentally, but have mainly kept myself to new matter such as the manner in which the material and faunas were introduced into the Crag regions, the land surfaces with its worked flints, the box stones, the proposed Boytonian zone, and the incoming of the northern fauna. LIST OF FOSSILS FROM THE BOYTONIAN ZONE. FISH. Anarrhichas lupus. Gadus pseud, aeglifinus. Chrysophris sp. Notidanus primigenius. Gadus luscus. Raia antiqua. GASTEROPODA. Amaura hesterna. Caecum mamillatum. Aporrhais pes-pelicani. Calyptraea chinensis. Brocchia sinuosa. Cancellaria Bellardi. Buccinopsis dalei. „ contorta. Buccinum undatum. „ coronata. „ var. declive. „ serrata. „ cf. inexhaustum. Sect. (Admete). „ var. tenerum. A. subangulosa.