THE ESSEX NATURALIST: BEING THE Journal of the Essex field Club. VOLUME XVII. MORE ABOUT DR. BENJAMIN ALLEN (1666-1738), OF BRAINTREE, NATURALIST. By MILLER CHRISTY, F.L.S. [WITH PLATE I] [Read 25th November 1911.] IN February last, there appeared in these pages a lengthy account1 by myself of that interesting old Essex natura- list, Dr. Benjamin Allen, of Braintree, the friend and neighbour of both John Ray and Samuel Dale, my information having been derived mainly from a volume of Allen's "Common-place Book," which was, and still is, in the possession of our member, the Rev. J. W. Kenworthy. Among much other matter, I gave2 an extract from Allen's will, in which he made a special bequest to his descendants in the terms following :— " My Note Books or Manuscripts of Medicine and private Methods of Cure, disclosing much of the Practise of Physick (principally the two vellum folios numbered One and Two, in letters at length, . . .), as a separate matter from Goods, I ordain not to be sold, but preserved in some sufficient hand of one of the Family, in the Practise of Physick or Pharmacy, under the oversight of my Executors and their Executors, for the use and benefit of my Family hereafter, to see they be secure from losing or making away or parting with any way out of their custody; . ." This shows clearly the very high value Allen set upon the two books in question. It was evident that the volume I was describing was one or other of the "two vellum folios" which Allen thus bequeathed, although it no longer bore any such inscription as "No. One" or "No. Two." Consequently, I remarked3 that "it would 1 Essex Nat., xvi., pp. 145-175 (1911). 2 Op. cit., p. 174. 3 Loc. cit.